NARRATOR: Faster than a speeding bullet! SFX: GUNSHOT, WITH RICOCHET NARRATOR: More powerful than a locomotive! SFX: TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS, LOCOMOTIVE RUMBLES NARRATOR: Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... CONTINUES IN BG NARRATOR: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! VOICE: It's a plane! NARRATOR: It's Superman! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... UP AND OUT MFX: SAMMY TIMBERG'S "SUPERMAN" THEME ... ORGAN ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from the planet Krypton, who came to Earth with amazing physical powers far beyond those of mortal men. And who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, wages a never-ending battle for truth and justice. MFX: THEME UP, THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Today, as Superman is still searching for them, Batman and Robin, having made a final desperate bid for freedom and failed, can only stand by helplessly as the evil Mr. Jones approaches, gun in hand, to make good his threat! MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT JONES: (OFF) Now, Batman and Robin, this is the end for you. ROBIN: What'll we do, Batman? BATMAN: We can't do anything, Robin. It's - it's all over for us. MFX: STING AND CURTAIN ANNOUNCER: Well, gang, the Superman Hidden Word Contest is now a thing of the past. But its memory lingers on, particularly in the minds of the judges and the rest of us who helped wade through the veritable mountain of entries that poured in. And that, as I no doubt mentioned before, was a gargantuan job that compares favorably with a task performed by Hercules. However, don't get the impression that we're complaining. On the contrary, we're very happy about the whole thing. And we're pleased beyond words at your gratifying response. We're proud. Yes, very proud that so many of you played the game with us and thought enough of it to enter the contest. And, beyond that, we're even prouder that so many of you knew and felt the real meaning of the words, "All men are created equal" -- a phrase that guarantees equal rights to all citizens of the United States under our Constitution. Some of you mentioned that this right was not quite fulfilled with respect to some minorities in our country, and you're not completely wrong. But all of you will admit that things are moving in the right direction! And that, more and more, all kinds of people are beginning to acknowledge that all men are created equal. And, more and more, this is becoming a meaningful phrase in our daily lives. So, once again, we say a million thanks to all of you for your response to our contest. We hope more of you win in our next one. Of course, we don't know, so we can't tell you when that will be. In the meantime, we hope you'll continue to listen to, and enjoy, The Adventures of Superman every day, Monday through Friday on these same stations at this same time. MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now -- The Adventures of Superman! ... Having learned that the famous Batman and the wealthy Bruce Wayne were one and the same person, a mysterious man who called himself Mr. Jones persuaded Batman to go away with him under the threat of revealing his secret. Then, holding Batman prisoner, Jones sent a man who looked very much like Batman and who had been trained to impersonate him, to Metropolis, where he made un-American speeches and led Robin, Batman's young companion, into an ambush. While Superman was trying to locate Jones, who he had learned was really a rabble-rouser named Mort Veeler, Batman and Robin, chained to the wall in an old Revolutionary barracks, knocked out a henchman of Jones's who ventured too near and searched him, hoping to find a gun with which they could free themselves from their chains. But the man was without a gun. Their last hope gone, the Dynamic Duo could only stand by helplessly as Jones entered the long, dimly lit room. And Jones did have a revolver. MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT JONES: (OFF) What are you two up to, eh? ROBIN: Don't mind us, Jonesy. We're just playin' patty-cake with your gorilla. SFX: JONES'S FOOTSTEPS SLOWLY APPROACH JONES: Really? Well, you won't play any more games, because I'm gonna take care of you both right now. ROBIN: (LOW) Well, here it comes, Batman. BATMAN: (LOW) Quick, Robin, drop to the floor behind Jones's pal. SFX: ROBIN DROPS TO FLOOR, HIS CHAINS RATTLE ROBIN: (LOW) What gives, Batman? BATMAN: (LOW) Leave this to me. JONES: Say, what are you two up to now? BATMAN: Drop your gun, Jones! I've got you covered! ROBIN: (LOW) Holy smokes! JONES: What? Don't make me laugh, Batman. BATMAN: This is no joke! I've got your gorilla's gun! ROBIN: (LOW) What a bluff! JONES: What?! BATMAN: You heard me, Jones! Now, drop your gun or I'll shoot! JONES: (CALLS) Help! SFX: JONES'S FOOTSTEPS RUNNING AWAY JONES: (CALLS, MOVING OFF) Ed! Jerry! Harry! BATMAN: Stop, Jones! Stop or I'll shoot! SFX: DOOR SLAMS ROBIN: Why, he's gone, Batman! He fell for the old shell game! BATMAN: Sure, he's yellow. I never knew a rabble-rouser that wasn't. ROBIN: What do you think he'll do now? BATMAN: He'll probably come back with reinforcements. SFX: DOOR OPENS ROBIN: Oh, here he comes! BATMAN: (CALLS) Stand back! The first guy who pokes his head in here gets a bullet in his head! SFX: DOOR SLAMS BATMAN: See that, Robin? ROBIN: (LAUGHS) Yeah. They ducked back like rats in their holes. (MORE SERIOUS) But now what, Batman? We won't be able to fool them forever. BATMAN: Yeah, I know. Up on your feet, chum. Come on. SFX: ROBIN RISES, CHAINS RATTLE ROBIN: What's the gimmick? BATMAN: We've got to make another try to snap these chains. ROBIN: Are you kidding? We've already tried for hours. BATMAN: I know, but we've got to try again. Now, come on now. Put your foot against the wall and then throw yourself backward. ROBIN: Okay. SFX: TEN SECONDS OF VARIOUS GRUNTS, GROANS AND CHAIN RATTLINGS ROBIN: It's no use, Batman. They won't break. BATMAN: No, I - I guess you're right, Robin. We're not getting any place. ROBIN: I wonder what friend Jonesy is up to now. BATMAN: Oh, something rotten, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. (SNIFFS TWICE) Hey, wait. What's that? ROBIN: What? BATMAN: Do you smell smoke? ROBIN: (SNIFFS THRICE) Gee whiz, yes! SFX: CRACKLE OF BURNING WOOD BATMAN: Yeah. And now I hear something burning, too. Listen! ROBIN: Holy smokes! This joint is on fire! SFX: POUNDING ON DOOR BATMAN: What's that? JONES: (MUFFLED FROM BEHIND DOOR, CALLS) Batman and Robin! If it gets too hot in there, call up the fire department! (HAUGHTY LAUGHTER) BATMAN: Uh oh! ROBIN: (COUGHING) Batman! Jones set this place on fire -- to - to finish us! BATMAN: (COUGHING) Right, Robin. Yes, it looks as if we've jumped right out of the frying pan into the fire. MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Coughing as the smoke begins to swirl through the long, low room, Batman and Robin realize that their final, desperate ruse has now also ended in failure. Meanwhile, in the farm house of William Hemple, where papers are strewn all over the floor, Superman and Hemple have been unable to locate the envelopes bearing the name and address of Mort Veeler, alias Mr. Jones. MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT SUPERMAN: You said you were sure those envelopes were here, Mr. Hemple. HEMPLE: Well, they was, Superman. Like I told ya, Veeler sent 'em, askin' for contributions to his no-good society. SUPERMAN: Well then, where are they? HEMPLE: Beats me. All I can think is maybe me or muh wife threw 'em out. SUPERMAN: Oh, great Scott, what'll I do? I've got find Jones', I mean Veeler's, address, because I'm sure he's holding Batman and Robin someplace. HEMPLE: I shore wish I could help ya, Superman. SUPERMAN: Wait, Mr. Hemple. You say this man Veeler goes around the countryside making speeches and trying to get support for his "Let Europe Starve" campaign? HEMPLE: Yep. Then he sends letters to the people who heard him speak, askin' for money. SUPERMAN: Well, if he's spoken around here and sent you letters, he must have sent letters to some of your neighbors, too. HEMPLE: Why, shore. I was speakin' to Sam Hoffmeyer just the other day about it. Sam says he got a letter, but, well, he-- SUPERMAN: Where does Hoffmeyer live? HEMPLE: His farm's just the other side of Mayfield, on the turnpike. SUPERMAN: Good. I'll find him. SFX: WINDOW SLIDES OPENS SUPERMAN: See you later, Mr. Hemple, and thanks. (LOUD) UP, UP AND AWAY! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR MFX: BRIDGE SUPERMAN: Mr. Hemple says you got a letter from this man, Mort Veeler, too, Mr. Hoffmeyer, asking you to contribute to his un-American campaign. HOFFMEYER: Yep, I did Superman. SUPERMAN: Well, tell me, have you got--? HOFFMEYER: But he won't get no money from me. SUPERMAN: No. But I-- HOFFMEYER: I always say, we gotta help them poor folks over there. SUPERMAN: Yes, yes, of course we do. But, uh, what about the letter? Do you still have it? HOFFMEYER: I-- Let's see, uh, I reckon so. SUPERMAN: Will you show it to me, please? It'll give me Veeler's address and then I can -- HOFFMEYER: Now, hold on, hold on. Seems to me I seen it over here in the fruit bowl. SUPERMAN: Oh? HOFFMEYER: Yeah, usually we keeps all letters and papers and debts in here. SUPERMAN: Well, is it there? HOFFMEYER: Nope. Don't seem to be here now. SUPERMAN: Uh oh. Now how will I find Veeler? HOFFMEYER: Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute, I kinda recollect takin' it upstairs to Sary the other day. SUPERMAN: Sarah? HOFFMEYER: Yeah, that's my wife. She's been ailin' some, so I took her up whatever letters and papers was around for her to pass the time. SUPERMAN: Yes, yes. Will you please see if the letter is upstairs, Mr. Hoffmeyer? HOFFMEYER: Ayup, I'll go right up now. You just wait here. SUPERMAN: I will, but hurry, please! Every second counts! MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Anxiously, Superman waits for Sam Hoffmeyer to seek out the precious letter from rabble-rouser Mort Veeler, alias Mr. Jones. Meanwhile, the ancient prison barracks, set in a vast, desolate countryside, is blazing furiously, as Batman and Robin, chained in the center of the burning structure, are helpless. WHAT WILL HAPPEN?! WE'LL BE BACK IN A MOMENT FOR THE DRAMATIC CLIMAX OF TODAY'S EPISODE! SO KEEP LISTENING! MFX: UP AND OUT ANNOUNCER: Gang, I just want to tell you a few words about a young fellow whose name is Chris Yorkus. Chris is thirteen years old and a very nice boy. But he's having a great deal of trouble growing up healthy. As a matter of fact, although he is thirteen years old, Chris only weighs about forty pounds. Sounds incredible, doesn't it? Because most of you who are the same age weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of ninety pounds. And that's as it should be. Now, you ask, why is Chris Yorkus so thin, so much underweight? I'll tell you why. It's simply because he doesn't get enough to eat. And what he does get is not the kind of food that puts flesh on a fellow's bones. And it isn't because his mother doesn't want to give him the proper foods or even because he doesn't want to eat. Chris' condition is due to the fact that in the war-ravaged country where he lives, he just can't get the proper foods! Yes, that's true. You see, Chris Yorkus is just one of millions of boys and girls overseas who, since the war, have slowly been starving to death through no fault of their own. Like the others in the same boat with him, Chris' weakened condition -- due to malnutrition, improper clothing and other unhealthful conditions -- has led to his becoming sick. Now, you'd think a boy like that would have nothing to look forward to, nothing to live for. But Chris has one thing -- a faith in other boys and girls who are lucky enough to live here in the United States. And all the boys and girls like Chris are looking for you to help them. You can do it by joining the chapter of the Crusade for Children in your city. Don't waste time. Do that at once. Your prompt response to this appeal will help to save Chris' life and the lives of millions of other unfortunate boys and girls like him. MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now, back to The Adventures of Superman! ... In the desolate countryside, the twilight sky for miles around is illuminated by the glare of a raging fire that is making an inferno of the ancient prison barracks which dates back to the time of the Revolution. SFX: RAGING FIRE, IN BG NARRATOR: Outside the blazing wooden structure, a half dozen of Mr. Jones's followers stand, watching in awe. While to one side, smiling broadly, the rabble-rouser stands with Ed, the man who was trained to impersonate Batman. MFX: GENTLY OUT SFX: RAGING FIRE, UP FOR A MOMENT, THEN IN BG JONES: (LAUGHS) Well, Ed, that's the end of Batman and Robin. ED: (SHUDDERS) It's a tough way to go, Mr. Veeler. JONES: Eh? Feel sorry for 'em, do you? ED: Well, kind of. JONES: Well, you'll get over it when we start spending Batman's money. (LAUGHS, SUDDEN UNEASE) Ed? ED: What's the matter? JONES: Where are the suitcases? ED: What suitcases? JONES: The ones with Batman's money. ED: Why, why, I thought you brought them out. JONES: I thought you did. ED: Holy smokes! JONES: Come on! We've got to get 'em! ED: No, wait! We can't go back in there! The roof'll go down any minute! JONES: We've got to! There's over a million dollars worth of securities in those suitcases. They'll be burned up! ED: But we'll be killed! It isn't worth-- JONES: No, we won't! The suitcases are in the kitchen, near the door. For heaven's sakes, come on, hurry! ED: (RELUCTANT) Well-- All right! MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: As Jones and Batman's impersonator rush into the rear of the blazing barracks, risking their lives to rescue their stolen loot, there is a rending crash, and the roof above them crashes down upon them! SFX: ROOF CRASHES DOWN ... PAUSE FOR STING ... THEN LOUD RUSH OF AIR, IN AGREEMENT WITH FOLLOWING NARRATOR: And at that moment, having finally learned the address of Jones's headquarters, Superman streaks through the skies toward the blazing barracks, then plummets down into the mass of blazing, collapsing wreckage where he finds Batman and Robin who lie unmoving. Has Superman arrived too late to save the Dynamic Duo? Has the rabble-rouser Jones and Batman's impersonator -- who, driven by greed and bigotry, pulled down destruction upon their own heads -- destroyed the courageous Batman and Robin, too? There are more thrills and surprises in tomorrow's smashing climax of our story, fellows and girls, so don't miss it! Tune in -- same time, same station -- for -- The Adventures of Superman! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG ANNOUNCER: Superman is a copyrighted feature, appearing in Superman-DC Comics Magazine, and is brought to you Monday through Friday at this same time. MFX: TO A FINISH ANNOUNCER: This program came from New York. Stay tuned to your Mutual station for "Captain Midnight," which follows in just a moment. And right after "Captain Midnight," you will hear "Tom Mix and His Ralston Straight Shooters." This is the world's largest network, serving more than four hundred fifty radio stations, the Mutual Broadcasting System.