NARRATOR: Faster than a speeding bullet! SFX: GUNSHOT, WITH RICOCHET NARRATOR: More powerful than a locomotive! SFX: TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWS, LOCOMOTIVE RUMBLES NARRATOR: Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound! SFX: LOUD RUSH OF AIR ... CONTINUES IN BG NARRATOR: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! VOICE: It's a plane! NARRATOR: It's Superman! SFX: RUSH OF AIR ... UP AND OUT MFX: SAMMY TIMBERG'S "SUPERMAN" THEME ... ORGAN ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from the planet Krypton, who came to Earth with amazing physical powers far beyond those of mortal men. And who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, wages a never-ending battle for truth and justice. MFX: THEME UP, THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Today, in his guise of Clark Kent, Superman is in the Metropolis Auditorium with young Dick Grayson, who is really Robin, Batman's young companion, when a man they believed was dead appears on the stage! MFX: FADES OUT DURING-- SFX: CROWD MURMURS ... CONTINUES IN BG KENT: Look, Dick! Look who's going to speak! It's Batman! ROBIN: Christopher Columbus! Yes! It is Batman! MFX: STING AND CURTAIN ANNOUNCER: All right, gang! Get set now for more Superman contest winners! You may be among these, so listen carefully! (PROCEEDS TO READ THE NAMES AND HOME TOWNS OF A LONG LIST OF CONTEST WINNERS FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES -- FOR OVER A MINUTE AND A HALF!) And that's all for now! More, later in the program! So keep listening! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now -- The Adventures of Superman! ... Just twelve days ago, the famous Batman wakened Robin, his young companion, from sleep, and told him: BATMAN: I'm going away, Robin. I can't tell you where or why. I hope to be back within a week. But if I'm not-- Well, you may never see me again. MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Then, when twelve days passed and Batman did not return, a very worried Robin appealed for aid to Clark Kent, who, as we know, is Superman. Searching for a clue in Batman's study, Kent discovered a recently made recording of a conversation between Batman and a mysterious Mr. Jones -- a man who had somehow learned that Batman was really a wealthy young man named Bruce Wayne, and who threatened that, unless Batman accompanied him to an unnamed destination, he would reveal his secret to the world. A desperate search failed to uncover any trace of Batman or the mysterious Mr. Jones. But, early that evening, Police Inspector Henderson phoned Kent and Robin and told them to go to the Metropolis Auditorium. There, before a huge crowd, a tall figure wearing a skintight costume, cape, bat-like hood and mask, walked out on the stage to address the gathering. MFX: GENTLY OUT SFX: CROWD MURMURS ... CONTINUES IN BG ROBIN: Look, Mr. Kent, it - it's Batman! KENT: Certainly looks like him, Dick. ROBIN: It is him! Or else I - I'm dreaming. KENT: You're not dreaming, son. ROBIN: But how could he be here, safe and sound, while letting us think he might be dead? KENT: I don't know. ROBIN: Oh, there's something screwy going on. KENT: Must be! Can't imagine Batman addressing a selfish, bigoted crowd like this! BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) Ladies and gentlemen ... KENT: He's starting his speech. Listen. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) ... It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to address this splendid organization. ROBIN: That's Batman, all right. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) I am wholeheartedly in sympathy with your views, and I am convinced that the future of our great country rests in your hands, and in the hands of those others, all over the United States, who think the way you do. SFX: CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS ROBIN: Did you hear that, Mr. Kent? He's with this mob! KENT: Yes! I - I can't believe it, Dick! ROBIN: Why, if Batman told me once, he told me a hundred times that this bunch were selfish bigots. He said they were a menace to our country! KENT: They are! I can't understand this! ROBIN: I think-- KENT: Wait, Dick, let's hear this. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) Many people in this country want us to send our hard-earned food, clothing, seed, and agricultural equipment to the nations of Europe. "Share what we have with the unfortunate," they say. Well, I say, don't do anything of the kind. Let others take care of themselves. SFX: CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS ROBIN: Holy smokes, Mr. Kent, I must be dreaming! KENT: No, you're not, Dick! ROBIN: But Batman always said the only decent and humane thing to do was to help the starving people in Europe. KENT: I know. He went to Washington with me only a few months ago to say the same thing. I can't understand why-- Oh, listen. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) Why should we give our bread, and cotton and steel and machinery, to somebody else? I ask you -- why?! If the Europeans want the necessities and luxuries of life, let them make them themselves! SFX: CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS ROBIN: How can he say that when he knows their farms and factories and homes were destroyed in the war, and all they're asking for is our help in getting on their feet again? KENT: I think I'm beginning to see what's behind this, Dick! ROBIN: Yeah, what?! KENT: Tell you later. Listen. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) I say -- we have our own troubles to worry about, so let's not bother about Europe's, too. They got into a mess without our help. Now let them get out of it -- without our help! SFX: CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS ROBIN: Jeepers! My ears must be playing tricks on me, Mr. Kent! I can't believe Batman would ever say such rotten, selfish things. KENT: Neither can I. BATMAN: (LOUDSPEAKER) The less we have to do with foreigners, the better. So let 'em stew in their own juice. And now, in closing, ladies and gentlemen, let me urge you again to refuse to aid Europe. We work hard for what we have, so let's not give it away to a lot of foreigners. I thank you. SFX: CROWD CHEERS AND APPLAUDS MFX: BRIEF BRIDGE SFX: CROWD MURMURS AND MILLS ABOUT, IN BG ROBIN: Batman spoke like a - a selfish bigot and a rabble-rouser, Mr. Kent! KENT: Like one of the worst kind, Dick! The meeting's over. Come on. ROBIN: I can't believe it! He - he just the same as said let those poor people over there starve. KENT: That's what he said. But I've known Batman for years and I know he hates narrow bigots and - and despots like this un-American crowd as much as you and I and all decent Americans hate them! ROBIN: Then why did he say all those awful things? KENT: Well, my hunch is that he was forced to do this. ROBIN: Forced? KENT: Uh huh. ROBIN: What makes you think so? KENT: Remember that recording we found in Batman's study? ROBIN: Oh, you mean that - that fellow Jonesy. KENT: Yes. Look, Batman just went into a dressing room. Here's our chance to find out. Come on! MFX: BRIDGE SFX: DOOR OPENS KENT: There he is, Dick. ROBIN: (OVERJOYED) Batman! Hey, Batman! SFX: DOOR CLOSES BATMAN: Oh, hello, Dick. How are you, Kent? KENT: All right, Batman, but where--? ROBIN: Where've ya been? Why did you tell me I might never see ya again? Why haven't I--? BATMAN: Whoa, wait a minute, Dick. It's a long story and I - I can't go into it now, because I've got another speaking engagement in Willow Falls. ROBIN: Oh, but-- But-- Gee whiz-- KENT: Look, Batman, we three are all alone now, so you can drop the pose and talk straight. We heard your speech tonight and now we want to know-- BATMAN: Oh, you did, eh? How'd you like it? ROBIN: Thought it smelled! BATMAN: Really? I thought it was quite good. KENT: Oh, cut that out, Batman! We know why ya made that filthy un-American speech tonight. You see, we found that recording! BATMAN: (BLANKLY) A recording? Well, what recording, Kent? ROBIN: The one you meant us to find, of course! The one you made the night you left, of the conversation between you and that fellow Jones. BATMAN: (BLANKLY) Oh. (PRETENDS TO UNDERSTAND) Oh, oh, that. ROBIN: We heard him say he knew you were Bruce Wayne, and if you didn't go away with him, he'd tell the whole world. That's why you made that speech tonight, wasn't it, Batman? Because Jones threatened to tell everyone you were Bruce Wayne if you didn't go along with him. Isn't that right? BATMAN: Well, I-- KENT: I'm surprised you went along with him no matter what it meant to you, Batman. You have a great deal of influence and prestige, you know, and a lot of people will believe your lies just because you say them! ROBIN: That's right! BATMAN: But they weren't lies. KENT: What?! ROBIN: Huh?! BATMAN: I told the truth. ROBIN: You must be out of your head! KENT: Now, listen, Batman, either this fellow Jones has succeeded in so scaring you that you've turned into a coward, or else you-- BATMAN: Now, wait! Get this straight. I'm neither a coward nor out of my mind, Kent. Now, as I said before, I've got another speaking engagement, so I'll have to ask you two to leave. KENT: Oh, no, you don't. You're not gonna brush me off that easily, Batman. We've been friends for years, and I'm gonna find-- ROBIN: Wait a minute, Mr. Kent. Let me talk to him, alone. KENT: But, look, Dick--! ROBIN: I know him better than you. Will you wait outside for me, please, in your car? BATMAN: Now, look, I'm in a hurry, Dick. I told you-- ROBIN: I don't care, Pappy! You and I are gonna have a little powwow, right now! Go on, please, Mr. Kent. KENT: (RELUCTANT) Well. All right, Dick. (MOVING OFF) I'll wait for you in my car. SFX: KENT'S FOOTSTEPS AWAY ROBIN: Okay. SFX: DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ROBIN: All right, now, we're alone. Just you and me. Batman and Robin. So start talking! MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: We'll be back in a moment for the startling climax of today's episode! So keep listening! MFX: UP AND OUT ANNOUNCER: Stand by now for more contest winners! Here they are! (PROCEEDS TO READ THE NAMES AND HOME TOWNS OF A LONG LIST OF CONTEST WINNERS FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES -- FOR A MINUTE AND A HALF!) That's all we have time for today, gang! If you weren't among these, you may be on tomorrow's lists, so don't fail to listen! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: And now, back to The Adventures of Superman! ... Alone in a dressing room in the Metropolis Auditorium, young Dick Grayson, who is really Robin, appeals to his tall, costumed companion. MFX: DRAMATICALLY OUT ROBIN: We've never had any secrets from each other, Batman. So, come on, tell me about this trouble you're in. BATMAN: I'm not in any trouble, Dick. ROBIN: Don't give me that! You wouldn't just disappear for almost two weeks and let me worry myself sick. And then make a rotten, un-American speech like - like some dirty rabble-rouser, unless you-- BATMAN: Watch your tongue, you brat! ROBIN: Huh? What did you call me? BATMAN: I called you a brat! Now get this through your head. I meant what I said in my speech tonight. I-- Well, I've been seeing things differently of late. ROBIN: Holy smokes, Mr. Kent must be right. Either you're yellow or your nuts! BATMAN: I warned you, Robin! Watch your tongue. ROBIN: You watch yours! You never talked to me this way before and you're not gonna start now! BATMAN: I've got another speaking engagement so I've got to go. ROBIN: Wait! Please, don't go until we've had this out! SFX: SCUFFLE BATMAN: Take your hands off me. ROBIN: Please, Batman, you've got to listen to me! You've got to--! BATMAN: I said, let go! SFX: BATMAN SMACKS ROBIN ROBIN: (HURT) Oh... SFX: ROBIN'S BODY FALLS TO FLOOR ... HIS HEAD HITS METAL RADIATOR BATMAN: That'll hold you, you little punk. SFX: DOOR OPENS JERRY: Time to go, Bat-- Hey, what happened to the kid? BATMAN: He got tough and I had to take a poke at him, that's all. Let's go, Jerry. JERRY: Say, he looks as if he's hurt pretty bad. His head's cut. BATMAN: So what? He banged it against the radiator when he went down. He'll be okay. Come on, let's go. MFX: STING ... THEN IN BG NARRATOR: Without a backward glance at the fallen Robin, who lies huddled on the floor unconscious, the tall figure in the famous Batman costume strides from the dressing room with the man he calls Jerry. How can this brutal scene have taken place between Batman and Robin, inseparable as brothers?! WHAT CAN IT POSSIBLY MEAN?! The mystery deepens even more tomorrow, fellows and girls, when more amazing things happen, and Superman decides it is time for him to go into action! So be sure to tune in tomorrow -- same time, same station -- for Chapter Four of "Batman's Great Mystery" on -- The Adventures of Superman! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG ANNOUNCER: Superman is a copyrighted feature, appearing in Superman-DC Comics Magazine, and is brought to you Monday through Friday at this same time. MFX: TO A FINISH ANNOUNCER: This program came from New York. Stay tuned to your Mutual station for "Captain Midnight," which follows in just a moment. And right after "Captain Midnight," you will hear "Tom Mix and His Ralston Straight Shooters." This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.