Announcer: And now... SFX: echoing footsteps Announcer: The Hall of Fantasy. Music: Announcer: Welcome to the Hall of Fantasy. Welcome to the series of radio dramas dedicated to the supernatural, the unusual and the unknown. Come with me my friends, we shall descend into the world of the unknown and the forbidden. Down in the depths where the veil of time is lifted and the supernatural reigns as king. Come with me and listen to the tale of, the Black Figurine of Death. SFX: running footsteps Harold: Is that you David? David: Yes. Harold: I heard a shot. Joyce: So did we. Harold: I thought it was one of you. Joyce: It was Sawyer. David: He came out late tonight. I found him out in the mausoleum about an hour ago. Joyce: Here's his room. Harold: Try the door. David: It's open. Joyce: (Gasp) On the floor... Harold: Is he? David: Yes, he's dead. SFX: gong Announcer: In just a moment the Hall of Fantasy will present the Black Figurine of Death. Announcer: And now for our story, an original tale by Richard Thorne entitled the Black Figurine of Death. David: Through all the years of man's existence no matter what he has learned or has been taught from generation to generation still he carries in the innermost depths of his mind a certain fear of the darkness. A fear of the night which is somehow associated with death and in actuality is the fear of death itself. David: Each of us in our lifetime will probably come into contact with some psychic phenomenon, either directly or indirectly through the experience of a relative or an acquaintance. An experience never to be forgotten and about such an experience is my story tonight. SFX: Thunder David: I was there with the others the night he died. We stood at the foot of the bed, Joyce, Harold and I. Amos Johnson's head was cushioned on a pillow and in his hand he held a little figurine. SFX: Thunder Harold: You sent for us uncle Amos? Uncle Harold: Of course I did, otherwise you wouldn't be here in my room Harold. Joyce: Now uncle Amos, there's no need to... Uncle Amos: Be quiet! Be quiet all of you. Ah, you're here too David. David: Yes sir... Uncle Amos: Be quiet, I didn't ask for a speech young man. I'll do the talking if you don't mind. I must speak to all of you while I still have time. Joyce: Why don't you rest uncle Amos? Uncle Amos: Rest, ha-ha you'd like to see that would you Joyce, and David, and Harold. What? No answer from any of you? I know why you can't say anything, because it's the truth! Harold: Now see here uncle Amos... Uncle Amos: Listen to me young man, these last years of my life you have all left me alone. You've had more important things to do. That is until tonight. Ah, tonight you're all here because you know I'm dying. You've come here like a pack of wolves, waiting for me to die, waiting for your chance to inherit my estate. Joyce: Oh that isn't true uncle Amos. Uncle Amos: Oh isn't it, hmmm, I think it is. Don't worry, you'll inherit the estate, the three of you but in the end you'll wish you never had. Harold: What do you men uncle Amos? Uncle Amos: Though I'll die you will all see me again. All of you who hated me and you will know of my presence when you see this. David: Why that's just a little figurine uncle Amos. Uncle Amos: Ah you will wish you've never seen it before I'm through. You will wish that you'd never known me, that you'd never been born. Before you die you will all learn what fear is. You'll learn how it feels to be... (Rough gasping) ... feels to be (gasps) alone. (Trails off into death moan) Joyce: Uncle Amos... David: He's dead Joyce. Joyce: Oh no, no he can't be. Harold: He's dead alright. SFX: small statue hitting floor Joyce: What's that? David: Something dropped out of his hand. SFX: couple of steps David: Why it's the little figurine. SFX: Thunder Music: David: The little figurine lay there on the floor, it had fallen from uncle Amos hand just as he died and when it had struck the floor it had broken into three piece. I picked them up and held them in my hand. The pieces fit together perfectly much like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. It was a queer little figure, its arms raised in supplication, a look of fear upon its face. There was something frightening about it. Music: creepy David: Three days later uncle Amos was buried in the family mausoleum at the north end of the estate. A week after that we all gathered together at the old house with Karl Sawyer, the executor of the estate. SFX: papers rustling Karl Sawyer: As you know your uncle appointed me as executor of the estate and left instructions that the three main heirs ten days following his demise be gathered in this house for a reading of the will. Joyce: You told us that earlier Mr. Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer: So I did. Are you all seated comfortably? Harold: Quite comfortably Mr. Sawyer. It's a rather long will you know. (clears throat) Now I will begin. I Amos Johnson being of sound mind and body do make ,ordain, and publish this instrument as my last will and testament... David: Ah, Mr. Sawyer. Why don't you just tell us about the will, hmmm? Mr. Sawyer: That's a rather unusual procedure David. Joyce: David's right Mr. Sawyer, it will save a lot of time and trouble. Mr. Sawyer: Well. (Clears throat) Perhaps you're right, let me see. Now referring to the disposition of the monies and property, it is to be divided equally among the three of you. Of course there are certain gifts to the servants. Harold: Naturally. Mr. Sawyer: Yes, naturally. There is a considerable amount of money to be divided even after taxes. Each of you will be independent for life. Joyce: I can't understand uncle Amos willing us the entire estate. The night he die... Mr. Sawyer: Contrary to what you may think your uncle Amos was really quite fond of you. Harold: Is that all to the will Mr. Sawyer? Mr. Sawyer: No, of course you realize that if one of you were to die, his or her share of the estate would be divided between the two remaining heirs. And there is one other provision I do not quite understand. Joyce: Yes? SFX: rustling paper Mr. Sawyer: Oh yes, yes. Let me read it please. The heirs are to reside on the estate for a period of one year. If this is not done their claim to the estate will be nullified and they are to be left without a penny. Unfortunately they were present very infrequently during the last years of my life, Harold: That's a rather strange provision. Mr. Sawyer: Yes isn't it. However as executor of your uncle's will it is up to me to make sure the provisions are carried out and believe me I feel a deep sense of duty to your late uncle. Music: David: The four of us discussed the will until the early hours of the morning. We persuaded Sawyer to spend the night with us so he could return to the city in the morning. SFX: Clock ticking. David: The house became quite silent and the only sound I heard was the ticking of the clock on my dresser. I wondered about the provision of the will in which uncle Amos ordered that we make our residence in his house. I was lying awake in bed thinking about that when... SFX: knocking at door David: Standing outside my door in the hallway was a housekeeper. Emily: Mr. David David: Yes Emily. Emily: I found this in my bedroom tonight. David: Oh, let me see it. Emily: Here. David: Uh-oh, it's a little black figurine, just like the one my uncle had. You can have it back now Emily. Emily: It frightened me so I came to you Mr. David. David: How do you think it got there Emily? Emily: Well, uh, there is something strange going on in this house Mr. David and I have an idea I know who's in back.. SFX: Door handle being turned, door being opened. Mr. Sawyer: Who's talking in there? SFX: Footsteps Mr. Sawyer: Oh it's you David, and Emily. You're up rather late aent you? Emily: Yes Mr. Sawyer, I was just going to bed, if you will excuse me. David: Good night Emily. Emily: Good night sir, I will see you in the morning. SFX: Lighter footsteps quickly walking down hall. Mr. Sawyer: Well I suppose I'd better get back to bed too. Good night David. David: Good night Mr. Sawyer. David: I watched him go back into his room and I turned and went back into mine. Emily had been on the point of saying something to me, something that was important enough to her to make a special trip to my room. I got back into bed and wondered what she had wanted to tell me. Little by little sleep clouded my brain and I was half asleep. Emily: Scream SFX: Gong Announcer: Back now to our story. An original story by Richard Thorne entitled the Black Figurine of Death. David: I had been just on the point of falling asleep. Emily: Scream SFX: Doors opening. David: Sawyer, I heard someone scream. Mr. Sawyer: So did I David. SFX: Footsteps and more doors. Joyce: I thought I heard something. Harold: I know I did. There's David and Mr. Sawyer, maybe they can tell us what happened. SFX: Footsteps Harold: Did you two hear anything? David: It was a scream; at first I thought it might have been you Joyce. I think it Came from the service quarters. David: Emily. Joyce: What did you say David? David: It will keep. Come on! Mr. Sawyer: Do you think it was the housekeeper David David: It has to be. Joyce: Maybe she was just startled or something. Harold: Well we will see in a moment. Joyce: That's her room, just down the hall. Mr. Sawyer: I hope it's not serious. David: It was serious enough to make her scream. Emily! SFX: knocking Harold: Emily, is anything wrong? Joyce: Try the door David. David: Right. It's unlocked. Harold: The light's on in there. Sawyer: She's not in bed... Joyce: On the floor! Harold: Maybe she fainted. David: No, she's dead. Mr. Sawyer: Look, right beside her, there is a little, broken, black figurine. Music: David: Though the police came out and went over everything there were no clues to follow. They said Emily had been strangled but there was no indication as to who might have done it. The police continued their investigation for almost a month but at the end of that time all they could write down in their case book was murder, unsolved. David: One evening about six weeks after Emily's death Harold, Joyce and I were in the living room. David: The police said they'd never be able to find out who did it unless something new turned up. Harold: And it probably won't. Joyce: the whole thing frightens me. I still remember uncle Amos' dying words. "And though I die you will see me again. All of you who have hated me and you will know of my presence when you see this. It makes me shudder every time I think of it. Harold: I've been thinking about what he said too Joyce. I wonder if he could come back? David: You mean come back after death? Harold: Yes. David: Don't be a fool Harold. When a man dies he's dead. Harold: I'm not so sure about that. Joyce: You shouldn't talk that way Harold, it, it's frightening. Harold: Would you come out with me to the Mausoleum Dave? David: Why? Harold: I don't know, I just want to check, that's all. Joyce: I don't think either of you should go. David: I'll go Harold. Joyce: Well I won't. Harold: That's alright Joyce, no one expects you too. Alright David let's go. Music: SFX: footsteps in grass/leaves - crickets in bg Harold: I've always had an interest in the supernatural David. You know there are certain things that happen, psychic phenomenon that has no normal or natural explanation. David: I've never seen any. Harold: Nor have I but what's to say that uncle Amos can't return? SFX: crickets louder, occasional frog croak Harold: Do you have the key? David: Here, open the door. SFX: handling a chain and metal lock. Click of lock opening. Sound of heavy iron gate/door opening. David: It's a good thing we brought these flashlights. Harold: Yes, it's pretty dark in there. Shall we go in? David: I guess so. SFX: shuffling footsteps on stone. David: I still don't see any reason for coming in here Harold. Harold: There may not be but then again. He's in that crypt over there. SFX: footsteps on stone Harold: Nothing's been disturbed in here, it looks just like it did when he was placed here. David: Wait a minute. This wasn't here the day he was buried. Harold: What? David: This. Harold: Hmm, that's strange. I didn't see that when I came in. David: You probably weren't looking over there, I wasn't either. David: Another black little figurine broken just like the others. Music: David: It gave me an eerie sensation, the little figure was broken into three pieces. I looked at Harold and he seemed to be as afraid as I was We locked up the mausoleum again and went back to the house. By that time I began to wonder if uncle Ams was striking back at us from beyond the grave. David: We said good night about eleven and retired to our rooms. SFX: ticking of clock David: I couldn't get to sleep. Id fall into a half doze and then snap out of it again. I felt as if, as if someone were watching me, that there were unseen eyes in the dark waiting for me to fall asleep. I knew it was only my imagination yet that feeling would not go away. SFX: clock ticking Music: David: About three o'clock I got out of bed. I decided to return to the mausoleum. AS I went out the front door I noticed a light drizzle had sprung up. SFX: crickets/frogs SFX: slow footsteps on gravel. David: Something drew me toward the mausoleum, a compulsion, an inner force over which I had no control. I walked slowly up the gravel walk to the mausoleum. Not noticing the light rain which fell on me. When I was close enough to see the doorway I received a distinct shot for the door was open and there was a circle of light behind it. David: I walked to the door. I tried to get through the door quietly, I jarred it a little and the noise made the man inside whirl around, in his hand he held a gun. Mr. Sawyer: David! What are you doing here? David: I might ask you the same question Mr. Sawyer. SFX: Gong Announcer: Back now to our story. An original story by Richard Thorne entitled the Black Figurine of Death. David: I had gone into the mausoleum; standing there with a gun in his hand was the executor of the estate Karl Sawyer. SFX: Thunder Mr. Sawyer: David! What are you doing here? David: I might ask you the same question Mr. Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer: I began to wonder. (clears throat) I don't believe in people coming back after they die but... David: Is that the reason for the gun? Mr. Sawyer: I didn't know what I'd find. I wanted to be safe, that's all. Now that I see it's you I will put it back in my pocket. By the way David, what are you doing out here? David: I was restless. Harold thinks everything that's happened has some supernatural significance, all his talk made me nervous. Mr. Sawyer: I see. And do you think that there is something supernatural abut the way Emily died? David: I, I don't know Mr. Sawyer. I just don't know. Music: David: Sawyer and I returned to the house. I asked him to spend the remainder of the night with us. Besides I wanted to keep an eye on him. I didn't feel much like sleeping so I went down to the library, found a book and sat down to read. SFX: footsteps on wooden floor Joyce: David? David: Yes? Joyce: Mr. Sawyer told me you were down here. What's the matter? David: I can't sleep. Joyce: David, I talked to Mr. Sawyer for almost ten minutes. He said he thinks that you're in back of everything. David: What did you say to that? Joyce: I told him that he was wrong. David: Thanks for your confidence Joyce. Joyce: The more that I think about it the more that I think Harold is right with what he said. David: That uncle Amos has come back to life? Joyce: Yes. SFX: thunder David: I'd keep an eye on Sawyer if I were you. Joyce: You think he's in back of it? David: I'm not sure. Joyce: You must have some reason for it. David: I went out to the mausoleum tonight about an hour ago. Sawyer was out there, he had a gun in his hand. Joyce: Perhaps he was just curious. David: Why should he get curious at three in the morning? Joyce: It does seem rather odd but... Sawyer: (shouting from distant room) No, no, I warn you, stay away from me. SFX: gun shots Sawyer: screaming David: That's Sawyer. Joyce: It just couldn't happen again. It just couldn't. David: We'll see. Harold: Is that you David? David: Yes. Harold: I heard a shot. Joyce: So did we. Harold: I thought it was one of you. Joyce: It was Sawyer. David: He came out late tonight. I found him out in the mausoleum about an hour ago. Joyce: Here's his room. David: Try the door. Harold: It's open. Joyce: (Gasp) On the floor... Harold: Is he? David: Yes, he's dead. SFX: Thunder Music: David: Sawyer lay there on the floor sprawled in a grotesque position of death. By one outstretched hand was a gun and by the other broken into three pieces was a little black figurine. Harold called the police, they said they would be out as soon as they could. The three of us went downstairs to the living room. SFX: Thunder Harold: I was right, it is uncle Amos who is behind all this. Joyce: It must be, there is no other explanation. Harold: I told you before there are certain things which can not be explained. The deaths of Emily and Sawyer prove that. Joyce: You still don't think that Sawyer was in back of it all do you David? David: Hardly. Harold: Will or no will I'm leaving here now. I'm going upstairs to pack. I will be down in a while. SFX: footsteps upstairs. Joyce: I'm going to leave too David, what about you? David: I don't know, I still can't make myself believe... Harold: Screams from upstairs. Joyce: David? David: Stay here. Joyce: No, no I'll go with you. SFX: two sets of footsteps running up stairs. David: He has to be alright. Harold! Harold! Joyce: He doesn't answer Harold, where are you? Joyce: Harold, Harold answer us! David: His door is open. Joyce: He'll be dead, dead just like the others. David: No Joyce, he's not here. Joyce: The mausoleum, uncle Amos came and took him back to the mausoleum. SFX: thunder David: We went into Sawyer's room, Harold wasn't there nor was Sawyer's gun. I supposed Harold had picked it up on his way to his room. I decided to go out to the mausoleum to see if Joyce was right. To see if Harold's dead body would be found there. Music: building tension David: Joyce wouldn't remain in the house alone so together we started out through the rain filled night. SFX: Rain, walking on gravel Joyce: Why don't we wait until the police come Dave? David: If this is something supernatural then they wouldn't be able to help us anyway. Joyce: David. David: What's the matter? Joyce: The mausoleum door's open. David: You can stay here if you want but I'm going in. Joyce: No I'm going with you. David: Stay close to me Joyce. Joyce: I will. I don't like it in here David. David: Neither do I. Harold: But you're going to remain here for some time. David: That's Harold's voice. Harold: That's right, turn the flashlight on, you'll see me then. Joyce: We thought you were.. Harold: Dead? Hardly. But you two wil be very soon. Joyce: He has a gun David. Harold: That's right, Sawyer's gun. I've planned this very carefully David, when the police arrive they will find you three dead and I'll be wounded. I'll tell them Sawyer was behind it all, that he killed both of you out here and then he came into the house searching for me. There was a fight, the gun went off and he died. David: then you killed Emily and Sawyer. Harold: Yes and I'm going to kill both of you too. You don't think I believed all that hokum I fed you about uncle Amos coming back do you. Of course not, but it served its purpose. Now you'll serve yours. Joyce: Harold, Harold look out back of you. Harold: How stupid do you think I am. David: Uncle Amos' coffin, its slipping. Get out of the way! Joyce: Get out of the way Harold! David: Get out of the way! Harold: (Screams as is crushed by coffin) Music: David: He's dead Joyce Joyce: Uncle Amos... David: What did you say? Joyce: Remember what uncle Amos said when he was dying, that he'd come back and settle with us. That coffin, I wonder if it was an accident and it slipped out of the crypt or if uncle Amos really did come back. Music: Announcer: So ends tonight's tale of the unusual, the terrifying, the unknown. Join us again when next we journey down the corridors of the Hall of Fantasy to hear another strange tale of the supernatural.