MUSIC: 10 SECONDS NARRATOR: The Greatest Story Ever Told. MUSIC: 5 SECONDS PUNCTUATE NARRATOR: Presented by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. MUSIC: UP FOR 15 SECONDS - SEGUE TO 1-A FADE TO 1-B AND 1-C NARRATOR: This afternoon we present "Unto You, This Day" the first of two Christmas season dramas about the birth of that Child who was to live the greatest life ever lived. MUSIC: UP. SET THEME FOR NARRATION NARRATOR: (CUE) It was a bad time. The heavy hand of Caesar was on the people. In the towns and the cities there was fear in the air. Even far from the towns and cities there was uneasiness. High up in the hills of Judaea two shepherds stood watch over their flocks. But even amid the green hills there was no peace there. Not in the soft sound of the sheep nor in the rustling sound of the light wind as it set the leaves and grasses to gentle trembling. But the shepherds looked beyond their flocks and down into the valley. And what they saw set fear stirring in their hearts. Finally one of them raised his crooked staff to point toward the valley and he said anxiously -- SOUND: (AT # SET BACKGROUND SOUND OF SHEEP BAAING. HOLD DOWN) DANIEL: (APPREHENSIVE WHILE WATCHING) A cloud of dust, Jonathan. The whole valley is a cloud of dust. JONATHAN: Yes. (BEAT) And the dust rises as though it were stirred by many hooves and many feet. DANIEL: It comes from the road. Is that what you meant to say, Jonathan? JONATHAN: Yes, Daniel. DANIEL: Then you think as I do. JONATHAN: If you mean it looks like armies are on the move, yes, I think the same. DANIEL: Perhaps we should go further up into the hills. JONATHAN: To save the sheep? DANIEL: Yes, when war comes who is it feeds Caesar's army? We do. The sheep and the lambs we risk our lives to protect from wild beasts are torn from our arms by Roman soldiers. And even to try to hold onto them can mean death. JONATHAN: If it is an army down there we should move up into the hills. DANIEL: Then let's not waste an instant. Come -- JONATHAN: I said if it's an army -- DANIEL: What else could it be? JONATHAN: I don't know. Look down there -- DANIEL: I've already looked. JONATHAN: But look a long time -- watch -- study carefully -- DANIEL: (WHILE LOOKING) Yes? JONATHAN: Do you see the glinting of shiny steel or silver? Do you see spears glistening in the sun? DANIEL: No. But then there is so much dust. JONATHAN: I thought of that, too. The dust might obscure the shiny metal. But there is something else missing, too. DANIEL: What? JONATHAN: The sound of trumpets. Do Romans ever move in silence? No. They want the whole world to know and hear and tremble at the sound of their trumpets. Yet we hear nothing. DANIEL: I hadn't thought of that before. Strange -- an army that would move in silence. JONATHAN: So it may not be an army at all. DANIEL: It must be. The road is covered with them. I think we should lead the sheep further up into the hills. Why run the risk? JONATHAN: Yet why disturb the ewes so close to giving birth to their lambs, unless there's good reason? We must do what's best for the sheep. I shall go down there. DANIEL: (FEARFUL) Down there? It could be dangerous. JONATHAN: I shall go down and see what this strange thing is. DANIEL: Then stay out of sight -- keep away from Caesar's men -- human life means nothing to them. JONATHAN: I'll be careful, Daniel. Don't worry. DANIEL: And try to be back before dark. JONATHAN: I'll try. (FADING) Don't worry, Daniel. I'll be back. DANIEL: (SOFTLY AS IN PRAYER) God be with you, Jonathan. God be with you. MUSIC: BRIDGE #2 SOUND: (BACKGROUND OF BAAING SHEEP) JONATHAN: (CUE) (OFF MIKE CALLING) Daniel -- Daniel -- SOUND: (SHEEP SUDDENLY SET TO EXCITED BAAING) DANIEL: Now, now -- easy -- it's a friend, a friend. It's Jonathan. Easy. SOUND: (BAAING BECOMES MORE SETTLED AND FADES TO BACKGROUND) JONATHAN: (FADING ON) Daniel -- Daniel -- you wouldn't believe it. (REGAINING HIS BREATH) No, Daniel, you wouldn't. DANIEL: It is an army that moves silently, then. JONATHAN: No. Not an army at all. Unless women and children and tired old men with feet dusty and bleeding from the hard road, are an army. DANIEL: Women? Children? Old men? What are you talking about? JONATHAN: Yes, that's what it is. That cloud of dust you see now is our people. Moving as in a terrified sleep. Stunned -- all of them. Rooted up from their homes and sent out on the road. DANIEL: Where are they taking them? To another land? JONATHAN: No. I watched a while behind the safety of a huge rock. When I was sure there was no danger I went to the edge of the road itself. There I spoke to some of them. DANIEL: And what did they say? JONATHAN: They must go back and be counted. DANIEL: Counted? For what? JONATHAN: For the tax. It's Caesar's order. Everyone must go back to the place where he was born. And his wife and children must go with him. It's the law. DANIEL: Whole families sent out on the road that way? JONATHAN: Yes. That's the cloud of dust down there. DANIEL: How could they do it? Children -- old men and women -- torn from their homes that way. JONATHAN: If it were only the children and the old it would be bad enough. DANIEL: What do you mean? JONATHAN: When I saw it first I felt a choking in my throat -- my hands went round the staff in such anger my knuckles were white. And I thought of what we'd said. Of how we'd decided not to move the sheep because the ewes were ready to drop their young. (BEAT) Caesar thinks less of people than we do of our sheep. DANIEL: You mean -- women close to giving birth are down there, too? I -- I don't believe it. JONATHAN: It's true. True. DANIEL: How could they send them out on the road like beggars at such a time? JONATHAN: The first one I saw was a woman, strong and healthy. But then came another one -- sweet of face -- and frail. Seated on a donkey she was. And a tall man held the reins and guided the donkey gently. Around a rock here and a stone there so that the animal wouldn't stumble and the young woman wouldn't be disturbed. DANIEL: That's good. Her discomfort must have been bad enough as it was. JONATHAN: (SLOWLY AND STRANGELY) I don't know. DANIEL: What do you mean? JONATHAN: There was something in her face. A glow of peace and contentment which seemed to radiate even through the dust and the noise and the crying of children. Her time was near but there was no fear in her, no sign of pain or suffering. I can't forget her nobility, her courage. (IN STRANGE AWE) I looked at her a long time -- a very long time. Then she was already gone and other faces crowded past me in the dusty air, yet I remembered hers. Till the sound and the turmoil drowned out the moment of calm that came and went with her. That's when I turned back and started to climb back up the hill. DANIEL: Jonathan -- you talk so strangely -- JONATHAN: Do I? DANIEL: Yes. JONATHAN: I -- I don't know, Daniel. I never felt this way before. DANIEL: It must have been the effect of what you saw. JONATHAN: Yes, it was all strange. DANIEL: People herded like cattle. How long can it go on? How long? We were promised a Saviour. Where is He? We were promised deliverance, where is that? Must we be ground under the heel of Caesar forever? The sheep we raise are not our own. They are Caesar's whenever it pleases him to say the word. What kind of world is that? If the Saviour is ever to come it must be soon -- soon ... Else it will be too late. (BEAT) Jonathan, are you listening to me? JONATHAN: Eh? What? DANIEL: Jonathan -- here -- look at me. What is it? JONATHAN: I was thinking -- of her -- the girl on the donkey. I found myself worrying about her ... Where will she spend this night? I was wondering about that. DANIEL: You should think of the sheep. It's getting dark. We must gather them against the night. Come. (BEAT) Jonathan, I said come. JONATHAN: (STILL IN A REVERIE) Yes, Daniel -- yes. MUSIC: BRIDGE #3 EZRA: (CUE) Rebecca -- come, my dear -- away from the door. Haven't we had enough of travelers trying to stop at this inn and no room for them? REBECCA: I wonder where they've all gone? EZRA: Who knows? To camp in the fields outside the town, most likely. REBECCA: Whoever thought so many of them would come back here to Bethlehem? EZRA: When Caesar orders the whole world moves. REBECCA: If our inn were larger we could have given more of them shelter. The little ones -- their eyes heavy with sleep -- clutching so desperately to the hands of their mothers and fathers. It's the little ones my heart goes out to. EZRA: (GENTLY) Rebecca -- you mustn't get to thinking about children again. You know it comes only to tears each time. REBECCA: Yes, Ezra -- I know. EZRA: Then come inside. Let me lock the door so no more travelers can beg for a night's shelter and be turned away. People must think there's no heart in an innkeeper -- that he likes to turn travelers away. The look in their eyes. I feel like a criminal. So come. Besides, you're tired. You need the rest. REBECCA: Not yet, Ezra. EZRA: Not yet? It sounds as though you're waiting for something -- for someone -- REBECCA: No ... (BEAT) It's the stars. EZRA: The stars? REBECCA: Yes. Look up at them. EZRA: Well, what of the stars? REBECCA: Don't you see? EZRA: See? Rebecca -- what is it? REBECCA: (ENTRANCED) Tonight -- tonight the stars are different. EZRA: (CONCERNED) Different? How? REBECCA: They are -- they just are, that's all. EZRA: Please, Rebecca, you frighten me when you talk that way. REBECCA: I'm not frightened. The stars are different tonight and yet it does not disturb me. The heavens seem peaceful somehow -- and brighter ... And within me there is a good feeling. EZRA: Perhaps in times like these there's peace only in the heavens. But come Rebecca, let me lock the door before we're besieged by travelers again. REBECCA: In a little while -- EZRA: But you're tired. Tomorrow you'll have to rise early again to feed more guests than we have ever had before. It's only you I'm thinking of. REBECCA: Then let me watch a little while longer -- EZRA: There's always time to watch the stars -- another night. REBECCA: They won't look the same, Ezra, never the same. EZRA: Please, Rebecca -- don't talk that way. REBECCA: It's true. EZRA: Rebecca, let me close the -- SOUND: (TINKLING OF BELL AND LIGHT HOOFBEATS OFF MIKE) EZRA: There, you see. Travelers and now they'll curse me out for being greedy. As though I have room and deliberately withhold it. REBECCA: Can you see them? How many are there? EZRA: One bell is one donkey. (WHILE PEERING INTO DARKNESS) And there is a woman on it. And a man leads it. Come, Rebecca, there may still be time to -- JOSEPH: (INTERRUPTING FROM OFF MIKE) Innkeeper -- friend, is that you standing in the doorway? EZRA: (DOWN) You see, Rebecca. He'll ask for room and there is no room. (UP) Yes, I'm the innkeeper. What is it? JOSEPH: Do you have room for some tired travelers? EZRA: Room? All Judaea would like to sleep in my little inn this night. There is no room. None at all. Our own bed is given over to travelers and we must sleep on a handful of straw in the kitchen. JOSEPH: Please, sir, I wouldn't ask again except that -- EZRA: (INTERRUPTING) Except that you don't believe me. Is that it? JOSEPH: Have I said such a thing? EZRA: No, but so many others have this night that I know the words even before I hear them. But there is no room. JOSEPH: Any place -- any place where my wife could find shelter from the night air and the dampness of early morning. I wouldn't ask except that -- well, draw near and you can see for yourself. EZRA: What do you mean? REBECCA: Ezra! Wait -- I can see. Ezra, we must make room for her. EZRA: But where? You know as well as I -- REBECCA: (QUICKLY) Wait -- wait, Ezra, there is room. A dry place -- and warm, too. EZRA: What? REBECCA: Yes, Ezra, the stable. EZRA: The stable? JOSEPH: Even that will do if it's sheltered. And please, there is no time left -- no time. EZRA: Of course you may use the stable. There's fresh straw there. You can make a bed for her. REBECCA: Straw? Ezra, she must lie on linen. Fresh linen. EZRA: Linen? In a stable? REBECCA: She shall lie on linen, fresh and clean and soft. A woman needs every little comfort we might give her in a time like this. Please, Ezra? EZRA: Yes, Rebecca. The finest linen we possess. REBECCA: Come, my dear, I shall see you're made comfortable. Come. SOUND: (DONKEY HOOFBEATS. LIGHT TINKLE OF BELL) JOSEPH: She's a fine woman, your wife. EZRA: Yes, a fine woman. Of good heart -- and always giving. And every child which is born hereabout is as her child. (BEAT) For you see, friend, we have none of our own. JOSEPH: (IN SYMPATHETIC UNDERSTANDING) Oh. EZRA: Yes, so Rebecca takes her joy in the children of others. JOSEPH: Perhaps it was meant to be -- in just this way -- EZRA: What did you say, friend? JOSEPH: It was something you might not understand now. But, please, don't call me friend in that friendless way. My name is Joseph. MUSIC: BRIDGE #4 SEGUE TO PEACEFUL BACKGROUND FOR NEXT SCENE SOUND: (BAAING OF SHEEP IN BACKGROUND) DANIEL: (CUE) Jonathan -- Jonathan -- do you sleep yet? JONATHAN: No, Daniel. DANIEL: It's still in your mind, isn't it? What you saw down there by the road this afternoon. JONATHAN: Yes. When I close my eyes I see those tired people struggling along that road -- so I can't close them. I can only keep them open and stare up at the heavens. At the blue sky and the stars. Just look up there, Daniel. The heavens -- such blue should be silken velvet gracing the fairest woman who ever lived. DANIEL: (SOFTLY) Perhaps it does. JONATHAN: Daniel -- what did you mean by that? DANIEL: (PUZZLED AT HIS OWN WORDS) I -- I don't know. The words seemed to come from my lips even before I thought them. It was though I'd spoken with the voice of someone else. JONATHAN: Then you must feel it too. DANIEL: What? JONATHAN: The strangeness of this night. DANIEL: There is something strange in it. Unless it be what you described to me earlier. Since you've come back everything has seemed to be different. JONATHAN: And yet it isn't. It can't be. Why look up at the heavens -- this night is like any other. The stars -- each in its place -- the sky, the blue of the season -- the sheep here content and drowsing -- why should it seem different to -- (STOPS. THEN IN SUDDEN AWE) -- Daniel! DANIEL: Yes, Jonathan? JONATHAN: The sky -- it's not the same. A new star -- a new light -- there, you see? DANIEL: A new -- (STOPS. THEN IN WHISPER OF AWE) Jonathan! JONATHAN: Such a light as this I've never seen before -- (IN AWE) -- Daniel -- Daniel. MUSIC: BRIDGE #5A-5B-5C-5D - IN TO ANNOUNCE ANGEL AND TO BACKGROUND OF SHIMMER GABRIEL: (CUE) (DEEP ETHEREAL VOICE FROM FAR OFF AND IN ECHO) Fear not -- DANIEL: (GASP OF SURPRISE) JONATHAN: (WHISPER) I heard it, Daniel. I heard it, too. DANIEL: (WHISPER) A voice -- from out of the heavens. GABRIEL: (CUE) Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. JONATHAN: (WHISPERING THE WORD) Saviour? GABRIEL: (CUE) And this shall be a sign unto you. Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. MUSIC: BRIDGE #5E AND 5F CHORUS IN FULL VOICE OF HOLY PRAISE GABRIEL: (CUE) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. JONATHAN: (CUE) (AWED WHISPER) Daniel, the heavens have opened! MUSIC: BRIDGE #5G AND 5H FULL CHORUS TO REPRESENT THE VOICES OF ANGELS. THEN FADE TO BACKGROUND OF SHIMMER DANIEL: (CUE) Manger -- I heard the voice say it -- manger. JONATHAN: You heard it too. Saviour -- manger -- the city of David. DANIEL: Wait, Jonathan, perhaps it didn't happen. Look about you -- the sheep have not moved. They heard no strange voice -- no singing of angels. JONATHAN: Such things are not given to sheep to hear. DANIEL: But how can we be sure? JONATHAN: It came from the heavens -- in a voice few men have ever heard before. How can we doubt it? DANIEL: Would the word of God come to us -- lowly shepherds who tend a flock in the hills? Who are we but simple men? JONATHAN: No, Daniel, wait. The voice spoke of the city of David. Think, what was David once but a shepherd boy? And didn't God touch him and make him great among men, a king over our people? So that now the very Bethlehem that lies below us in the valley is known as the city of David. The voice came to a shepherd before. This night it has come again. DANIEL: It did happen before. JONATHAN: And the voice said the Child is born in the city of David. Then we must go and see -- we must find Him -- now, at once. DANIEL: Find Him? Where -- how -- do we go through the city crying out in the dead of night, "Is a child born here?" How many babes are born this night in Bethlehem? Didn't you yourself speak of the many women with child who were driven out to wander the road? How could we find the one Child out of all them? JONATHAN: "And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe lying in a manger." Come, Daniel, come, we must find that Child. MUSIC: BRIDGE #6 (QUEST MONTAGE) SENTRY: Halt -- who goes there? JONATHAN: We are two shepherds come out of the hills. SENTRY: Shepherds, eh? Come forward and stand in the light of this torch. SOUND: (FEW STEPS ON STONE) SENTRY: Aye, you look like shepherds but with a whole country on the move a sentry can't be too careful. What do you want in Bethlehem? JONATHAN: We seek a Child. SENTRY: Child? At this hour of night? What Child? JONATHAN: You don't know? You haven't heard of the Child? SENTRY: This man's daft. The way he talks -- you, there. DANIEL: Yes, sir? SENTRY: If this man's your friend take care of him. He needs looking after. DANIEL: Sir, may we enter the town? SENTRY: I don't know if I should let you. (BEAT -- PAUSE) Well, you might as well. It seems half the world's inside these gates already. Go on in -- but mind you -- no disturbance -- no trouble. DANIEL: Yes, sir. MUSIC: BRIDGE #7 UP AND DOWN FOR SOUND: (CUE) (DOOR KNOCK) DANIEL: (CUE) But Jonathan, we've tried so many places already. JONATHAN: We must find Him. SOUND: (DOOR KNOCK) DANIEL: We've wakened people and -- SOUND: (DOOR UNLATCH AND OPEN TO INTERRUPT) VOICE: (SLEEPY AND IRRITABLE) Who knocks at this time of night? What do you want here? JONATHAN: We seek a Child -- new born and lying in a manger. VOICE: A Child -- lying in a manger? What is this nonsense? On your way and leave decent people to their sleep. SOUND: (DOOR SLAM) MUSIC: BRIDGE #8 UP AND DOWN FOR SOUND: (CUE) (DOOR KNOCK) DANIEL: (CUE) Jonathan, please, the sentry will come after us if we keep disturbing people. JONATHAN: We must find the Child. SOUND: (DOOR KNOCK) WOMAN: (OFF MIKE BEHIND DOOR) Who is it out there? JONATHAN: Tell us, woman, is there a Child here -- a new born Child? WOMAN: (FEARFUL) Why do you come here? JONATHAN: We seek a Child -- new born. WOMAN: New born -- how did you know? What do you want with the child? JONATHAN: Does it lie in a manger? WOMAN: In a manger? Are you out of your senses? Pity the child so poor it must lie in a manger. Now, go -- be on your way. MUSIC: #9 UP AND DOWN FOR SOUND: (CUE) (DOOR KNOCK. PAUSE, THEN AGAIN) DANIEL: (CUE) Jonathan, we should go back to the hills. This is madness. JONATHAN: No, Daniel -- not till we find Him. SOUND: (DOOR KNOCK) EZRA: (SLEEPY VOICED AND BEHIND DOOR) Eh? What is it? If you seek room here, there is none. There's been no room in this inn since early evening. Go away. JONATHAN: Wait, innkeeper. We didn't come asking for room. But seeking a Child -- a new born Child. EZRA: Be on your way. JONATHAN: There's no Child here? New born and lying in a manger? SOUND: (SUDDEN AND DISTINCT SLIP OF BOLTS. DOOR OPEN) EZRA: Who are you? JONATHAN: Only shepherds come out of the hills. REBECCA: (FADING ON DAZED AS FROM INTERRUPTED SLEEP) Ezra -- What is it, Ezra? Is there trouble? EZRA: Rebecca -- two men here -- they say they're shepherds who've come seeking a Child which lies in a manger. REBECCA: Of course. EZRA: What do you mean? REBECCA: The woman in the stable -- her Child. It would lie in a manger. JONATHAN: There -- you see, innkeeper. Now where is the Child -- where? REBECCA: Go round to the side, sir -- to the stable -- there you'll find the Child. JONATHAN: Come, Daniel -- come. (FADING) Thank you, woman -- EZRA: Rebecca, how did they know? It's so strange. REBECCA: Everything is strange this night, Ezra. Everything. When I saw the stars I felt it. When I saw her, I knew it. MUSIC: BRIDGE #10 SOUND: (CUE) (GENTLE KNOCK) JONATHAN: (CUE) This time, Daniel, this time we find the Child. SOUND: (DOOR OPEN) JOSEPH: (VERY SOFTLY) You knocked, friend? JONATHAN: Sir, a Child -- new born -- is it here? JOSEPH: By the grace of God. JONATHAN: Daniel, did you hear the words the man spoke? DANIEL: (AWED) I heard. JONATHAN: Sir -- tell us -- does it lie in a manger? JOSEPH: He does. JONATHAN: Then we must see Him. We must. Please, let us in -- JOSEPH: Yes -- but quietly -- for the Child's sake. SOUND: (SOFT FOOTSTEPS WITH LIGHT SQUEAK OF BOARDS OF STABLE FLOOR) JONATHAN: Shhh -- SOUND: (THREE MORE STEPS) MUSIC: BRIDGE #11A, 11B AND 11C MOTIF SYMBOLIZING MADONNA AND CHILD TO BACKGROUND JONATHAN: (CUE) (REVERENT WHISPER) "The blue should be silken velvet gracing the fairest woman who ever lived." DANIEL: It's what you said before, Jonathan. JONATHAN: Daniel, the woman I saw before who inspired those words -- this is she, Mother of the Saviour. And this is the Child. (BEAT) Only shepherds, yet we are first to see the Child -- the Saviour -- JOSEPH: What word did you say, friend? JONATHAN: Saviour -- JOSEPH: You know this too? How? JONATHAN: It came to us in a voice from Heaven -- out there on the hillside in the dead of night. This is He -- the Saviour -- born in the city of David -- lying in a manger. JOSEPH: All this a voice told you? JONATHAN: All this and more -- Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. JOSEPH: Mary -- Mary -- did you hear? JONATHAN: (PAUSE, THEN SOFTLY) Good lady, I've said nothing to make you weep. JOSEPH: Friend, some tears are good to weep -- very good. DANIEL: So much has happened this night -- so much. We must go and tell them all -- all. Come, Jonathan, come -- JONATHAN: Wait, Daniel, first we must kneel and adore Him. Look at Him -- was there ever such a Child as This? (BEAT) Daniel, we shall pray. MUSIC: BRIDGE 11D UP BRIEFLY AND DOWN TO BACKGROUND FOR JONATHAN: And now we go, friend, to tell everyone of the great thing which has happened. Peace be to you both -- and to the Child for all His life. SOUND: (FEW STEPS FADE LIGHTLY) JOSEPH: (PAUSE, AND ON CUE) Mary, Mary, did you hear? They knew -- now everyone will know. And the words Mary -- the words the Angel spoke -- Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, toward men of good will. MUSIC: BRIDGE #12 ADESTE FIDELIS FULL CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA NARRATOR: This program was brought to you by The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Next week on this same network at this time we will present "Flight Into Egypt," the second of two Christmas season dramas, part of The Greatest Story Ever Told about the greatest life ever lived. MUSIC: CUSHION - CLOSING THEME