Announcer: From Hollywood, its time now for: FX: (Phone Rings) Johnny: Johnny Dollar. Carol: Good morning, Johnny. This is Carol. Johnny: Oh, hi, Carol. Sleep well? Carol: Johnny, you were so quiet on the way back from the s?ance last night. I hope its because Madam Morgana Morgana convinced you of her powers as a medium. Johnny: Uh... How much did you pay her for that s?ance, Carol? Carol: A hundred dollars. Johnny: A hundred...! Wanna meet me in the coffee shop downstairs for breakfast? Carol: I'd love to. Fifteen minutes? Johnny: Fifteen minutes. Goodbye. Carol: Oh, and weren't you thrilled to hear the voice of your dead brother again? Johnny: Yeah. Bye. FX (Hangs up phone) Johnny: Except that I never had a brother. Theme music up Announcer: Tonight ? and every weekday night ? Bob Bailey in the transcribed adventures of the man with the action-packed expense account ? America's fabulous free-lance insurance investigator... Johnny: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar! Theme music up Johnny: Expense account, submitted by special investigator Johnny Dollar, location New York City, to the Universal Adjustment Bureau, Hartford Connecticut. The following is an accounting of expenses during my investigation of the Matter of the Medium, Well Done. Expense account Item Eighteen - 10 cents. Phone call to Carol Sharp. Item Nineteen ? 10 cents. Phone call to Sergeant Randy Singer. Sarge: Hey... I thought you were coming down here to headquarters this AM? Its nearly 10 o'clock. Johnny: Soon as I've had some breakfast. Your lab get those films developed for me? Sarge: They're working on 'em right now. Johnny: And did you put a tail on David Sharp? Sarge: Carol's brother? Yeah. I suppose you know he was over there in the neighborhood of that s?ance over in Jersey last night. Johnny: I would have bet on it. Sarge: Didn't you see him there? Johnny: No. Sarge: Well, that's funny. Johnny: Just keep that tail on him. See ya later. Music up Johnny: Item twenty ? $10.70. Long Distance call to the city editor of the Marchand, Pennsylvania Herald Express. For a full half-hour I asked him questions about the Sharp family. About one member of the family in particular. Then ? item twenty-one ? $5.85. Breakfast for Carol and myself in the coffee shop at the swank Bell Towers. Carol: You must have been impressed, Johnny; you're so quiet. Would you like to see Madam Morgana Morgana again tonight? Johnny? Johnny: Carol, I think we'll see her today. Carol: Oh, but she couldn't. She always says it takes a full day to recover from the shock and the strain of a s?ance. She goes into a deep trance, you know, in order to make the spirits move those little trumpets about and speak through them. Johnny: Listen, Carol. Carol: Yes? Johnny: You have a brother, David. Carol: Oh. David. Johnny: Why do you say it that way? Carol: He's not really a brother. He was just sort of taken in by Mother when his parents died. I... I'd rather not speak of him, Johnny. Johnny: The black sheep of the family, huh? Carol: Mother... mother insisted on taking care of him. He was only twelve or thirteen, I've forgotten. Father didn't want to, but he permitted it. Johnny: Why didn't he want to? Carol: Because David's father had been a criminal, and his father before him. Even David's mother was... And my father was afraid... Johnny: Yeah. That blood would tell. Carol: Yes. Johnny: Your father left money to him, along with the rest of you. Carol: Yes, he did. But not as much. And David has resented that. But no matter how much he had, he wouldn't have enough ? the sports cars, the fast company. Johnny, how did you know about that? Johnny: Listen, Carol. I'm an insurance investigator. Carol: What? Johnny: I came down here to look into this matter of you're wanting to change the beneficiaries of your policy to cut off your mother and brothers in favor of this medium and Tony Riccardo. Carol: Johnny, I hate you for this! Why didn't you... Johnny: I didn't dare let you know, until I found out a few things. Carol: This is the most... Johnny: And I think I have. Including the fact that Madam Morgana Morgana, who persuaded you to make the change is nothing but a clever fraud. Carol: No! That isn't true. She... Johnny: And I'll prove it to you, if you'll call your boyfriend, Tony Riccardo. Carol: Tony... Johnny: Take him down to the Eighteenth Precinct police station where I'll be waiting for you. Carol: But Tony hasn't... You think that because his father was a kind of gangster, years ago... Johnny: In Tony's case, I hope blood won't tell. Eighteenth Precinct, both of you. Carol: All right, Johnny, we will be there. Music up Sarge: Here ya are, Johnny. The pics you took last night. Johnny: Oh, thanks, Randy. Hmmm...Uh-huh. Sarge: Hey, where'd you ever get the idea of using infra-red light and infra-red film? Johnny: Anything else, anything that let them know I was taking pictures would have busted up the s?ance. Hey, look at this one! Sarge: I'd like to publish those. Scare a lot of those phony psychics out of business and out of town. Johnny: Now, here's the one that I like... Carol: Well, Mr. Dollar, we're here. Riccardo: Hi, Dollar. Johnny: Oh, hello, Tony. Miss Sharp, Mr. Riccardo, this is Sergeant Singer. Carol: How do you do? Sarge: Hi. Carol: Now, will you please show us this proof you were talking about? Riccardo: Yes, Dollar, how did you make out? Johnny: Made out very well, Tony, thanks to a miniature flash camera I had tucked into my pocket last night. I guess you wondered, too, how madam Morgana Morgana worked her racket. Carol: He did not! Tony knows as well as I do that she's completely honest. Like any normal person, he may have questioned the almost miraculous powers of this woman in the beginning, but no trumped-up tricks that you....(looks at picture)...where... where did you get this picture? Johnny: And look at this one. Carol: She's moving that trumpet herself, with a kind of a long, extended handle. Johnny: Extension grip, they call it. She probably hid it in the front of her dress. Carol: No... Riccardo: But... These pictures in that dark room. I... I... Johnny: Infra-red photography. Carol: Maybe she did use one trick. But the voices came from trumpets floating about in the air, above our heads! Johnny: Then look at this one...taken when your father was supposed to be speaking to you. Carol: Oh, no. That little trumpet has a long tube on it. Johnny: Yep. Extending into that curtained doorway at the end of the room, where somebody could whisper through it. Carol: Oh, this is terrible. And the hundreds, the thousands of dollars I gave her... Believing in her... Johnny: Yeah. I'm afraid you were really took!. Here. Here's where my "dead brother" Richard spoke to me. Riccardo: The hanging trumpet is over your head. Johnny: Yep. Carol: But how could she know? I didn't tell her. Oh, yes, you mentioned your brother. Johnny: A completely non-existent brother, Carol. Carol: Oh... Johnny: Made up. Like the dream of you I told you about. Carol: And I believed you, too. But how could she find out all those things about me? Sarge: Miss Sharp, a couple of nights ago I took Mr. Dollar to a medium that was a bum compared to this one. And she told him all about himself. Johnny: Have you forgotten what I've found out about you and your brothers just in the last 24 hours? Carol: Oh, I... I don't know what to say. Johnny: Don't try. We've still got to pin this whole thing down. I'm sure this Madam Morgana Morgana wasn't working alone. Carol: But who could be... Johnny: How about it, Tony? Carol: No! No! Not Tony. Just because his father was... Oh, no! Please! Sarge: Oh, thanks fella. We got a report here, Johnny. Apparently they've moved again. You guessed right. Johnny: Yeah. We'd better get going. Can we use a prowl car? Sarge: No, but we can get a escort as far as the city line. Johnny: Then come on. All of you! Music up Johnny: The cabby, with his accelerator on the floor, had a ball trailing our escort across town. And we had to hold him down when we finally reached the Jersey side. Randy Singer obviously had no authority over there, but as it turned out, I'm glad he came. When we pulled up to the home of Madam Morgana Morgan, I couldn't help noticing the Studebaker Golden Hawk sticking out from behind the house, with a Pennsylvania license. I wasn't the only one to notice. Carol: Johnny, that looks like David's car. Johnny: I think it is. Come on. Sarge: Eh, Johnny, I'm out of my jurisdiction. Johnny: Oh, yeah... Maybe you'd better wait. Sarge: Yeah, yeah. Carol: Oh, Johnny, I knew David was bad, but, oh, I still can't believe that... Johnny: I know how you feel, Carol, and I'm sorry. Riccardo: Mr. Dollar... Johnny: Wait a minute... Carol: Johnny... Johnny, if he'd do a thing like this... Johnny: I'm ready for anything, Carol. (knocking on door) Riccardo: look, Mr. Dollar, why don't just you and I go in. If anything ever happened to Carol, I'd never forgi... Morgana: Oh, Carol, dear! And Mr. Riccardo, and Mr. Dollar. Carol: Hello Madam Morgana Mor.... Johnny: Do you mind if we come in? Morgana: Why, no I... But not for another meeting, of course. The strain of last night's convocation is still with me, I'm afraid. Johnny: Yeah, maybe you ought to up the price for your next s?ance. But there ain't gonna be no more. Morgana: Mr. Dollar! I don't understand... Johnny: Come on, Carol, Tony, we're gonna look over that s?ance room in broad daylight. Morgana: No! You can't!. I... I won't let you destroy the sanctity of that room. Johnny: Oh, yes, you will. I'll lay it on the line to you Madam...Whatever your name really is. This monkey business of yours has gone far enough. So this is the room. Morgana: What terrible things you're saying! Johnny: You take a thing like spiritualism that a lot of honest people believe in, and make a dirty racket out of it. Morgana: Carol, this man is mad. Make him leave this sacred place at once. Carol? What right have you to make such horrible implications? Johnny: Implications!? Those were accusations! Would you like to see how those spirits of yours move trumpets around in the dark? Morgana: They couldn't be seen. Johnny: And how those spirit voices suddenly appear out of thin air? Look at these pictures. Morgana: Oh! How did you get these. Johnny: I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my little camera. Well? Morgana: All right. All right. You've exposed me. But there was nothing malicious about it. If you knew the solace, the comfort of mind and spirit these things have brought to the people who come to me... Johnny: At a hundred bucks a crack? Sometimes more? Morgana: Why not! Carol has money. So have the others who come to me. Johnny: Did you plan to make them all turn their insurance policies over to you? And then contrive to have them suddenly and unexpectedly join their immortal ancestors in the great beyond? Morgana: No! No, that wasn't my idea. Oh...Oh, I knew something like this might happen... Johnny: It has happened. Now where is he? Morgana: He's...No! No, I...I...I don't know what you're talking about. Johnny: Your assistant, or colleague in crime would be a better word, who stood inside the curtain of the s?ance room and made with the phony voices of the dead. Who gave you all the information on Carol. Who's probably done a nice little research job on me, since my visit last night. David: Yes, Mr. Dollar! Carol: David! David: I know all about your activity as an insurance investigator, and why you're here, but its not going to do you any good. Johnny: Oh, put that thing down and give yourself up, David. Riccardo: So you're the one who arranged for me to be a beneficiary of Carol's policy, huh? David: Stand back! Riccardo: So the suspicion would fall on me when something happened to her? David: Of course! And give us a chance to clear out! But now it's to late. And now that you've found us out...Well? Carol: David, no! The lights! Somebody turned them off! Riccardo: Look out, Dollar! Look out!! FX (gunshots ring out, glass breaking, sounds of a violent scuffle) Johnny: Why you dirty...! Pull a gun on me, will you! Sarge: Easy, easy Johnny! Control yourself! Johnny: I'll knock you... Randy! Sarge: Get up off my chest! Riccardo: Here, here's the light. Johnny: David! Riccardo: When I flicked off the light, Tony here made a dive for 'em. There he is, wrapped up in the corner there. Sarge: I've got his gun. Oh, you've got a mean left, there, Johnny! Johnny: Oh, I'm sorry, Randy, but... Say, I thought this was out of your jurisdiction. Sarge: Heh heh. I got curious about comparing your lousy photography with the room itself, Johnny, so I sneaked in the back door. When I saw what was going on, I well, I lost my head, I guess. Al right, Dave, up on your feet. Carol: Oh, Johnny... Johnny: Easy, Carol... Better get her out of here, Tony. Riccardo: Oh, sure. Johnny: And, remember that crack about "Blood will tell?" Well, I think you can prove to her, that in your case, at least, whoever said it was all wet. Music up Johnny: Well, what happens to David Sharp and Madam Morgana Morgana will be up to the courts. It's a cinch she's out of the ghost racket for awhile ? a long while. And, of course, Carol did make a change in her policy, to cut off David. Expense account, Item Twenty-Something, cab back to New York, hotel bill, and fare back to Hartford. $ 417.35. Expenses account total $ 892.90. Oh, and if you don't mind, I'll hang on to that tricky little camera and stuff, in case I run into another "Medium, Well Done." Yours truly, Johnny Dollar. Music up Announcer: Now, here's our star to tell you about next week's intriguing story. Johnny: Next week ? The Tears of Night Matter. A fabulous necklace...and a fabulous girl! Join us, won't you? --Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Music up Announcer: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar, starring Bob Bailey, is transcribed in Hollywood. It is produced and directed by Jack Johnstone, who also wrote this week's story. Heard in our cast were Virginia Gregg, Lawrence Dobkin, Lurene Tuttle, Harry Bartell, Eleanor Audley, Joseph Kearns, Herb Vigran, Junius Matthews, Tony Barrett, and Sam Edwards. Musical supervision by Amerigo Marino. Be sure to join us on Monday night, same time and station, for another exciting story of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Roy Rowan Speaking. Music up