ANNOUNCER: The National Broadcasting Company brings you Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell in ... MFX: ACCENT ANNOUNCER: ... Dangerous Assignment! MFX: FILLS A PAUSE, THEN FADES OUT WITH-- SFX: STEADY SLOSH OF SOMEONE SWIMMING THROUGH WATER SABOTEUR #1: Over here. Here I am, with the boat! Swim over this way! SFX: THE SWIMMER (SABOTEUR #2) SWIMS TO SIDE OF BOAT SABOTEUR #2: (BREATHES HARD) SABOTEUR #1: Here, let me help you aboard. Give me your hand. (STRAINING HARD) Come on. Up, up-- SFX: SWIMMER PULLED OUT OF WATER ONTO A SMALL BOAT SABOTEUR #2: (BREATHES HARD, SHIVERING) SABOTEUR #1: You set the charge of nitroglycerin? SABOTEUR #2: (GRUNTS IN THE AFFIRMATIVE WHILE SHIVERING) SABOTEUR #1: Good. And no one saw you leave the ship? SABOTEUR #2: (GRUNTS IN THE AFFIRMATIVE) SFX: DISTANT BUT BIG EXPLOSION! SABOTEUR #1: Ah, right on schedule. The ship goes to the bottom and only the two of us know the location. (CHUCKLES) And now-- Wait. Wait, no! No, put down that knife! MFX: DRUM ROLL IN BG, LEADS UP TO-- SABOTEUR #1: No! No! No, don't do--! Ohhh! SFX: SABOTEUR #1 IS STABBED! MFX: BRIEF DRAMATIC BRIDGE, THEN OUT WITH-- SFX: FIST SMACKING ON DESK COMMISSIONER: Three ships sunk in two weeks, Steve, and the last one cost the lives of six passengers! STEVE: But, Commissioner, why send me halfway around the world just because three ships were sunk? COMMISSIONER: Steve, those ships carried U. S. rehabilitation supplies. STEVE: (CHASTENED) I see. COMMISSIONER: Now, as usual, you'll pose as a foreign correspondent. RUTH: Here's your press credentials, Steve. Your passport and plane ticket. STEVE: Ruth, did you say plane ticket? RUTH: You take off in two hours. STEVE: Now, look, I was figurin' on a little deal. Now can't it wait till tomorrow? COMMISSIONER: (FED UP) No, it can't wait! And that's another thing, Steve. On this assignment, there's to be no women and no gambling! It's strictly business -- dangerous business! STEVE: (RELUCTANT) Okay, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER: All right, Steve. Your first stop in Saigon is the Malayan Star Lines. The manager's name is Brevant. You've got your assignment. Get going! MFX: "DANGEROUS ASSIGNMENT" THEME ... PULSE-POUNDING, BIG BAND PSEUDO-EXOTICA ... THEN IN BG ANNOUNCER: You've seen him in "The Great McGinty"! As "Major Devereaux" in "Wake Island"! As "Trampas" in "The Virginian"! Now, here is our star Brian Donlevy, in another two-fisted portrayal as "Steve Mitchell" in -- "Dangerous Assignment"! MFX: THEME UP ... THEN MORE MELLOW, IN BG ANNOUNCER: The time -- now! The place -- Saigon, inscrutable city of the Orient! Where the ancient and the modern rub elbows in the narrow, crowded streets! Saigon! City of intrigue! Of shadows. Of forgotten men. Of danger. MFX: FILLS PAUSE, THEN FADES OUT BEHIND-- SFX: SHIPYARD NOISES STEVE: Mr. Brevant? I believe you're in charge of the Malayan Star Lines here in Saigon. BREVANT: That is correct, Monsieur--? STEVE: Mitchell, Steve Mitchell. I'm a foreign correspondent, I just flew in. I'd like an interview. BREVANT: There is not much of which to talk. Three ships of our line sail for Singapore. The first night out, an explosion -- phfft! They are gone. STEVE: Just like that, huh? BREVANT: Oui. "Just like that." STEVE: Could, uh, I take a look at the passenger lists for those three ships? BREVANT: Certainly. I have them in my desk. SFX: DESK DRAWER OPENS ... PAPERS HANDLED STEVE: Hm. Thank you. (AS HE LOOKS THEM OVER) You don't carry many passengers. BREVANT: Only a few. STEVE: Any survivors? BREVANT: From the first sinking, none. From the third sinking, also none. STEVE: How about the second? BREVANT: One. STEVE: Who is it? BREVANT: An Englishman named Dixon. The cook. STEVE: Is he around anywhere? I'd like to talk to him. SFX: BREVANT'S FOOTSTEPS AWAY ... DOOR OPENS BREVANT: (OFF, CALLS) Armand?! Tell the Englishman Dixon to come to my office! SFX: DOOR CLOSES ... BREVANT'S FOOTSTEPS RETURN STEVE: Most of your crews have been with the line quite a while? BREVANT: It is the exception rather than the rule, m'sieu. Out here, one must take what men one can get. STEVE: I see. What kind of cargo were your ships carrying? BREVANT: That is the mystifying part, m'sieu. Here are the cargo lists. As you see, the Malayan Star Lines carry American rehabilitation supplies -- teakwood, spices, rubber -- the usual. STEVE: This, er, teakwood. I notice all of it comes from the same place. BREVANT: Yes. The plantation of Monsieur Seurat. It is inland, up the Saigon River. SFX: KNOCK AT DOOR BREVANT: (CALLS) Come in! SFX: DOOR OPENS ... DIXON'S FOOTSTEPS IN DIXON: (APPROACHES) You wanted to me, Mr. Brevant? BREVANT: Oui. Yes. Er, this gentleman is M'sieu Mitchell, a journaliste. DIXON: Nice to meet you, sir. STEVE: Hi. Er, Mr. Brevant tells me you're the only survivor from the second sinking. DIXON: I'm the only one from any of 'em. STEVE: That makes you pretty lucky, doesn't it? DIXON: (CHUCKLES) Lucky ain't 'alf of it! STEVE: Look, uh, did you notice anything unusual aboard your ship before the explosion? DIXON: Well, I was back aft -- gettin' a bit of air before turnin' in, I was. And I notice a silhouette of a small boat in the moonlight. Off our starboard beam, she was. And runnin' without lights. STEVE: Without lights? DIXON: That's right. STEVE: Anything else? DIXON: I didn't 'ave time to notice anything else, mister. Because, just then, there's a sheet of flame! The whole ship goes up in the air and the next thing I know, I'm 'olding onto a spar in the water for dear life! STEVE: Mm hm. Uh, have you any idea what your ship's position was when she went down? DIXON: Near as I can figure, we was in shoal water close to Poulo Condore. BREVANT: That is an island a hundred miles off the coast of Indochina, m'sieu. But, of course, it is but a guess! We have no way of knowing the exact location. STEVE: Yeah. Well, uh, thanks for the information. I think it oughta make a good yarn. BREVANT: Do you intend to remain here in Saigon long? STEVE: Well, that depends. I'd like to talk to Mr. Seurat, the plantation owner. Do you know where I might find him? BREVANT: There is a gambling casino just down the street, m'sieu. If he is in Saigon, he will be there. STEVE: Good. I'm beginning to feel lucky. BREVANT: I am certain you will not lack for games of chance in Saigon, m'sieu. I personally find gambling a bore, but it would seem I am in the minority. SFX: STEVE'S FOOTSTEPS AWAY AS-- STEVE: (MOVING OFF) Yep, I guess you are. Well, thanks for the story. I'll see you around. SFX: DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES DIXON: (BEAT) Hm. He's an inquisitive gent, ain't he, Mr. Brevant? BREVANT: (GRAVELY) Yes. He is indeed. DIXON: Newspaper chap, is he? BREVANT: That is what he said. (BEAT) Dixon, tell Armand to answer my telephone for me. I am going out for a while! MFX: BRIDGE SFX: CASINO NOISES ... CROWD BUZZES ... ROULETTE WHEEL SPINS, BALL ROLLING AND STOPPING ON A NUMBER ... CROWD REACTS CROUPIER: Sixteen. Red. Even. Sorry, m'sieu. You lose again. STEVE: Look, this game is slow death. Haven't you got something with a little more action in it? CROUPIER: M'sieu would perhaps prefer the dice table downstairs? STEVE: That's a thought. Thanks. SFX: WOMAN'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH UNDER PREVIOUS LINE ... STEVE BUMPS INTO WOMAN LEANNA: Oh! STEVE: Oh! SFX: CHIPS SCATTER ON FLOOR STEVE: I beg your pardon. LEANNA: Oh, no, it is my fault, m'sieu. STEVE: Here, let me pick up your chips. SFX: PICKING UP CHIPS LEANNA: You are most kind, m'sieu. 'Twas very clumsy of me. STEVE: Matter of fact, I bumped into you deliberately. It was the only way I could think of to meet you. LEANNA: M'sieu has a ready wit. STEVE: If you're looking for something to tack on after the "m'sieu" it's Mitchell. Steve Mitchell. LEANNA: They call me Leanna, m'sieu. STEVE: They picked a nice name. Well, here are your chips. SFX: HANDS OVER CHIPS LEANNA: You pick up my chips and my luck with them. You must allow me to buy you a drink, eh? You see, I am superstitious. STEVE: Good. So am I. And having a drink with you is suddenly a superstition of mine. LEANNA: (CHUCKLES) Let us go to the bar. MATHIQUE: (CALLS, FROM OFF) Leanna?! Leanna! STEVE: (CHUCKLES) Well, I should've known you wouldn't be alone. LEANNA: It is only my brother, m'sieu. MATHIQUE: (APPROACHES) Oh, where are you going, Leanna? LEANNA: It is all right, Mathique. I'm sure the Americain will take good care of me. (INTRODUCTION) M'sieu Steve Mitchell, my brother Mathique. STEVE: Hello. MATHIQUE: Your servant, effendi. LEANNA: Here, Mathique, you play some of my chips, huh ... SFX: HANDS OVER CHIPS LEANNA: ... while we have our drink? (LIKE SHE'S TALKING TO A CHILD) Come along, Steve. SFX: STEVE AND LEANNA'S FOOTSTEPS ... CONTINUE IN BG MFX: COCKTAIL BAR PIANO ... IN BG STEVE: You live here in Saigon, Leanna? LEANNA: For the most part. But I am restless. I travel a lot. Tomorrow night, I leave for Singapore. STEVE: Oh? (CHUCKLES) I guess my luck hasn't changed after all. LEANNA: (AMUSED) I will not be gone long. STEVE: How are you going to Singapore? LEANNA: I travel by tramp steamer. It is not so boring. STEVE: Oh. Not on the Malay Star Lines? LEANNA: Why, yes. Ah, here we are! SFX: FOOTSTEPS ARRIVE AT BAR ... CROWD NOISE AND CLINKING GLASSES HAVE ALREADY FADED IN STEVE: It's sort of crowded right here. Why don't we move down to the other end? LEANNA: All right. SEURAT: Uh, there is room here. I will move over. STEVE: Oh, thank you. SEURAT: No trouble, sir. No trouble at all. LEANNA: What will you have, Steven? STEVE: Bourbon and, uh-- Hey. LEANNA: What is it? STEVE: I just saw someone I know, Leanna. Uh, excuse me just a minute. SFX: FOOTSTEPS GOING AWAY LEANNA: Of course. STEVE: (MOVING OFF) Be back in a minute. LEANNA: (CALLS) I will order the drinks! SEURAT: (BEAT, TO LEANNA) Well, my dear? LEANNA: He seems interested in the Malayan Star Lines, Seurat. SEURAT: You think he is involved? LEANNA: It is possible. SEURAT: Very well. I will proceed on that assumption. (CALLS) Boy, come here. WAITER: (APPROACHES) Oui, m'sieu? SEURAT: I want a message delivered for me. MFX: COCKTAIL BAR PIANO UP FOR A TRANSITION TO OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM ... THEN IN BG STEVE: (APPROACHES) Good evening, Mr. Brevant. BREVANT: Huh? Oh, M'sieu Mitchell, is it not? Have you written your story yet? STEVE: Not yet. I'm a little surprised to see you here at the casino. When we talked this afternoon you told me gambling bored you. BREVANT: It does. But I do find interest in observing gamblers, m'sieu. Particularly when high stakes are involved. STEVE: Oh? BREVANT: M'sieu, I congratulate you on the speed with which you have made yourself acquainted in Saigon. STEVE: What do you mean? BREVANT: Did I not observe you conversing at the bar with Seurat? STEVE: Seurat? BREVANT: The stout gentleman. STEVE: You mean the guy who was standing next to me -- the one with the face like a toad? BREVANT: (CHUCKLES) Your description does not flatter him, but it is accurate. STEVE: (MOVING OFF) Hm. Well, thanks, Brevant. I'll see you around. BREVANT: (GRAVELY) Undoubtedly, m'sieu. MFX: COCKTAIL BAR PIANO UP FOR A TRANSITION BACK TO THE BAR ... THEN FADES OUT DURING FOLLOWING STEVE: (APPROACHES) I'm sorry I took so long, Leanna. LEANNA: (CHUCKLES) It is quite all right. Well, here is your drink. STEVE: Thanks. Say, er, what happened to the guy who was next to me here -- the one who moved over to make room? LEANNA: Hm? Oh, I do not know, Steve. I was not noticing. STEVE: Hm. Seurat. LEANNA: Is that his name? STEVE: Yeah. Well, cheers. LEANNA: Cheers. SFX: GLASSES CLINK WAITER: (OFF, CALLS) M'sieu Mitchell! M'sieu Steve Mitchell! STEVE: (CALLS) Over here, boy! LEANNA: You are a busy man, Steve. SFX: WAITER'S FOOTSTEPS APPROACH STEVE: (CHUCKLES) I seem to be. WAITER: M'sieu Mitchell? STEVE: Yeah, what is it? WAITER: Uh, you are wanted outside, m'sieu. STEVE: Oh? By whom? WAITER: Oooh, he not give name, m'sieu. But he say -- "Quite urgent!" STEVE: Okay. Here. WAITER: Oh! Thank you, m'sieu! STEVE: Leanna-- LEANNA: (CHUCKLES) I know, I know. You will be gone but a minute. Yes. I will wait for you. MFX: BRIDGE SFX: TRAFFIC NOISE, IN BG ... STEVE'S FOOTSTEPS ON STREET UNTIL-- DALAI: Mitchell, effendi-- STEVE: Who are you? DALAI: You are Steve Mitchell? STEVE: What do you want -- a calling card? Yeah, I'm Steve Mitchell. Now suppose you tell me why you got me out here. DALAI: I am Dalai. I suggest that we walk, effendi. STEVE: Oh. You always suggest with a gun, Dalai? DALAI: When it is necessary, effendi. Come. SFX: STEVE & DALAI'S FOOTSTEPS WALK DOWN STREET STEVE: Mind telling me where we're going? DALAI: Certainly not. Right around the corner here. And into the alley. SFX: STEVE & DALAI'S FOOTSTEPS WALK INTO ALLEY STEVE: Cozy in here. DALAI: And dark, effendi. STEVE: Wait a minute. Looks like we've got company in here. DALAI: It is but my friend Bonjak, effendi. STEVE: Oh. Hello. (NO ANSWER) What's the matter, is he bashful? DALAI: He cannot speak. His tongue was removed by force some years ago. But he is strong and willing. (AN ORDER) Bonjak! SFX: PUNCH TO THE HEAD! STEVE: Why, you--! DALAI: That reminder from Bonjak will serve to open the conversation. STEVE: Look, I don't know what this is all about. DALAI: To be brief, effendi, you have information, which I require. The locations of the three sunken ships. STEVE: The ships? You think I know where they were sunk? DALAI: Bonjak! SFX: PUNCH TO THE HEAD! STEVE: Look-- DALAI: Perhaps that will refresh your memory. STEVE: (IN PAIN) How can I tell you the location when I don't know--? DALAI: Again, Bonjak. SFX: PUNCH TO THE HEAD! STEVE: (IN MORE PAIN) I tell ya, this isn't gonna do ya any good! I don't know where those ships were sunk! DALAI: Very well. If you intend to be stubborn. You may proceed, Bonjak! SFX: MANY PUNCHES TO THE HEAD, IN BG DALAI: I told you not to resist! STEVE: (STRUGGLING) Well, if you think I'm gonna stand here and let this big ape make mincemeat out of me-- DALAI: (WITH EFFORT) Very well, effendi! SFX: DALAI CLOBBERS STEVE WHOSE BODY FALLS TO GROUND DALAI: (CLICKS TONGUE) It is a pity the effendi bleeds so easily, Bonjak. But I must not deprive you of extended enjoyment. You may kick him. I will tell you when to stop. SFX: MULTIPLE KICKS TO THE BODY! MFX: TO A FINISH! ANNOUNCER: The National Broadcasting Company is bringing you Brian Donlevy starring in the role of Steve Mitchell in the second of an exciting new adventure series -- Dangerous Assignment! MFX: THEME ... THEN IN BG, OUT AT [X] ANNOUNCER: The time -- the next morning. The place -- a luxuriously furnished bedroom in a spacious villa near Saigon, overlooking the sea. [X] STEVE: (GROANING) Ooohhh. SFX: DOOR OPENS, STEPS IN, DOOR CLOSES MATHIQUE: (APPROACHES) Ah, you are awake at last, effendi. STEVE: Eh, if you can call it that. Wha--? Hey, wait a minute. You're Leanna's brother, aren't you? MATHIQUE: Mathique. Your servant, effendi. STEVE: Look, would you mind telling me how I got into this - harem? MATHIQUE: (CHUCKLES) You are in the house of my sister, Leanna. STEVE: How did I get here? MATHIQUE: Well, Leanna became worried when you did not return to the casino last night. We went outside to look for you and found you crawling out of the alley, badly beaten. So we brought you home with us. You were all bloody. How do you feel now? STEVE: All bloody. Hey, help me out of this mink-lined cradle, will ya? MATHIQUE: Oh, of course. STEVE: Where're my pants? (REALIZES) Hey, wait-a-minute--! MATHIQUE: (CHUCKLES) No-no-no-no. It was I who put you to bed, effendi. And, here are your pants. STEVE: Oh. Thanks. Where's Leanna? MATHIQUE: Swimming in the ocean. Come. You can see her out the window. SFX: STEVE & MATHIQUE'S FOOTSTEPS ON FLOOR TO WINDOW ... FADE IN DISTANT OCEAN WAVES CRASHING STEVE: Hmmm. Say, she's quite a swimmer, isn't she? Does she always swim out that far? MATHIQUE: Oh, yes. Every morning. STEVE: (CHUCKLES) Well, I'm not that ambitious this morning, but a dip would do me good. MFX: BRIDGE SFX: OCEAN WAVES CRASHING ON THE BEACH ... THEN IN BG LEANNA: (CHUCKLES, SHIVERS, BREATHES HARD) Steve, you are quite a swimmer yourself! STEVE: (CHUCKLES) Thanks. That water made me feel almost human again. Any cigarettes around here? LEANNA: Uh huh. Right here in my robe. (EXHALES) Here you are. SFX: TWO CIGARETTES LIT BY A LIGHTER ... STEVE & LEANNA INHALE-EXHALE WITH BIG, CONTENTED SIGHS ... AS IF HOPING FOR A TOBACCO SPONSOR LEANNA: You, er, you look much better than when we found you last night, Steve. STEVE: You know, you've taken awfully good care of me, Leanna. Why? LEANNA: Why? Oh, perhaps - perhaps there have been - so many places - many times - many men in my life. And, with me, it has always been the same. But then last night I saw you. And I knew you were - something different. STEVE: How different? LEANNA: (SHE KISSES HIM) Hm. (EXHALES) Does - does that make your bruises feel better? STEVE: It helps. You know, that's a kind of medicine I could get addicted to, Leanna. LEANNA: Perhaps - perhaps when I return from Singapore, there will be more time to - become addicted. STEVE: Maybe. When do you sail? LEANNA: At eight tonight. On the Malayan Queen. STEVE: Ah, I guess my luck's still no good. LEANNA: (CHUCKLES) STEVE: Okay, look, I gotta go back to my hotel and pick up a change of clothes. But, anyway, I'll be down to see you off tonight. MFX: BRIDGE SFX: STEVE'S FOOTSTEPS DOWN HOTEL CORRIDOR TO DOOR ... KEY UNLOCKS DOOR, DOOR OPENS, STEPS IN, DOOR CLOSES SEURAT: (OFF) Mr. Mitchell. STEVE: Huh? Hey, how'd you get in here? SEURAT: I am Seurat. I learned you were registered at this hotel so I took the liberty of waiting here in your room. STEVE: Quite the liberty, wasn't it? SEURAT: When occasion demands it, the courtesies must be omitted. STEVE: What's the occasion? SEURAT: I will be brief. Mr. Mitchell, I will assume you are a man who is interested in money. STEVE: That's a safe assumption, Seurat. SEURAT: I believe you are in possession of certain information which is of value to me. STEVE: (TO HIMSELF) Here we go again. SEURAT: (NOT UNDERSTANDING) Sir? STEVE: Look. You happen to know a couple of cutthroats named Dalai and Bonjak? Bonjak's a big lug with no tongue. SEURAT: Dalai? Bonjak? I've not had the pleasure of their acquaintance, sir. STEVE: Oh, it's no pleasure, believe me. SEURAT: (CONFUSED) Sir? STEVE: Oh, skip it. Now, what's this about "certain information" I have? SEURAT: I will not waste words. Ten thousand American dollars for the location of the sunken ships. STEVE: Ten thousand? Means a lot to you, doesn't it? You've been shipping teakwood on the Malayan Star Line, haven't you? SEURAT: From my plantation up the river, sir. 'Tis a matter of record. STEVE: I didn't know teakwood was that valuable. SEURAT: I repeat my offer. Ten thousand American dollars. STEVE: Oh. I'll have to have a little time to think it over, Seurat. SEURAT: I cannot grant you much time, sir. I'm sailing tonight on the Malayan Queen. You have until seven-thirty this evening. STEVE: Okay. SEURAT: I will expect your answer before sailing time. Until then -- good day, sir. MFX: BRIDGE SFX: TELEPHONE DIALED ... ONE RING, THEN-- OPERATOR: (ON FILTER) Malayan Star Lines. STEVE: Uh, Mr. Brevant, please. OPERATOR: (FILTER) I am sorry, sir, but he is gone. STEVE: Gone? OPERATOR: (FILTER) Yes, sir. On a business trip. He is sailing in half an hour on the Malayan Queen. STEVE: Could you get word to him that--? SFX: KNOCK ON DOOR STEVE: Er-- Never mind, I'll call you back. SFX: PHONE HUNG UP STEVE: (CALLS) Come in! SFX: DOOR OPENS, STAGGERING FOOTSTEPS IN DIXON: (IN PAIN) Mitchell-- STEVE: Dixon! What's the matter? DIXON: (GASPS, WITH GREAT EFFORT) A knife -- in me back-- STEVE: What happened? DIXON: Malayan Queen -- ready to sail -- STEVE: Yeah, I know. DIXON: I saw someone - go aboard - that was on the other ship-- STEVE: You mean the ship that was sunk? DIXON: Yes-- STEVE: Who was it? DIXON: Followed me here and -- stabbed me. STEVE: Who stabbed you? DIXON: I-- (EXHALES HIS LAST BREATH) SFX: BODY SLUMPS TO FLOOR STEVE: Dixon?! DIXON!! MFX: BRIDGE SFX: STEAMER SHIP NOISE ... SHIP CABIN DOOR OPENS, CLOSES CAPTAIN: Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Mitchell, but I don't leave the bridge until we're out of the channel. STEVE: That's okay, Captain. SFX: PAPERS RATTLED STEVE: I'd like you to look at these credentials. They'll explain who I am and why I'm aboard your ship. CAPTAIN: (READS) Hmmmm. You're investigating the recent sinkings. STEVE: Yes, Captain. A couple of people seem awfully interested in the location of those sunken ships. I'm kicking an idea around that maybe there was something pretty valuable aboard them. CAPTAIN: Hmm. What would it be? STEVE: I don't know. Are you carrying the same sort of cargo on this ship that was on the others? CAPTAIN: Yes, as far as I know. STEVE: Another shipment of teakwood from Seurat's plantation? CAPTAIN: There is. Also some American rehabilitation supplies. STEVE: Hm. Tell me, could those rehabilitation supplies be salvaged after they were sunk? CAPTAIN: Oh, no, no. The water'd ruin 'em. STEVE: Hm. Captain, suppose you wanted to sink a ship and recover something from it later? CAPTAIN: What? STEVE: Where would you sink it? CAPTAIN: Why, I-- I suppose in shallow water. STEVE: Yeah. Now, what's the first shallow water we'll be passing through tonight? CAPTAIN: Well, let's see. We'll pass through the Diablo Shoals, uh, a little after midnight. Depth there's only fifteen fathoms. STEVE: I see. Is that the passenger list on your desk? CAPTAIN: Yes. Here. SFX: PAPER RATTLED STEVE: (READS) Yeah, looks like the gang's all here -- Brevant, Leanna, her brother Mathique, and Seurat. Captain, I need your full cooperation. CAPTAIN: Why, certainly. What is it? STEVE: I'd like you to order these four passengers to be in Brevant's stateroom, three hours from now, at eleven tonight. MFX: BRIDGE SEURAT: (ANGRY) Brevant, I demand an explanation of this! Being hauled up to your cabin like a common criminal-- BREVANT: But, M'sieu Seurat, I am as much in the dark as you. SEURAT: I do not think it necessary to point out that this may cost you my business, Brevant. MATHIQUE: If you would only tell us the reason for all this, effendi Brevant. LEANNA: Mathique, I am sure there must be a good reason for all this. If we are but patient, we will learn what it is. SFX: DOOR OPENS, STEPS IN, DOOR CLOSES BREVANT: Here is the man who is responsible -- M'sieu Mitchell. LEANNA: Steve! STEVE: Hello, Leanna. Mathique. MATHIQUE: Your servant, effendi. SEURAT: Good evening, sir. STEVE: Seurat. SEURAT: Apparently you forgot our appointment, Mr. Mitchell. STEVE: I didn't forget it. I had a couple of other things to take care of. SEURAT: Perhaps, sir, you'll be good enough to explain what this is all about! STEVE: Sure, I'll explain. I'll make it short. I think one of you is responsible for the sinkings of those three ships. LEANNA: You are joking, Steve! STEVE: (MATTER OF FACT) Sorry, Leanna. LEANNA: But - but to suggest that I could have anything to do with it-- STEVE: You're a good swimmer. I'm afraid I'll have to count you in. LEANNA: (OUTRAGED) Oh, it is so ridiculous to think that I, or my brother, could be involved in such a thing! MATHIQUE: You make a serious charge against us, effendi. STEVE: I know. BREVANT: (INDIGNANT) This is an insult to my long years of service on the line. SEURAT: Perhaps it is a serious charge as far as the others are concerned, Mr. Mitchell, but to suspect that I am involved is ridiculous! Much valuable teakwood of mine was sunk with those ships. STEVE: Yeah. And maybe it's more valuable than I thought at first. SEURAT: What do you mean by that, sir? STEVE: I'll let it ride for the time being because I've got another piece of news for ya. Of course, it isn't really news -- to one of you. LEANNA: What do you mean, Steve? STEVE: There was a ship's cook named Dixon, a survivor of one of the sinkings. Tonight, he saw one of you come aboard. He recognized you as being on that other ship. So whichever one of you it was - killed him to shut his mouth. SEURAT: I assure you this is the first of these ships I have been aboard, sir, and also the last. STEVE: One of you four is the killer - and dynamiter. That person has a bomb planted on this ship. And plans to dive overboard before the explosion. And that explosion is due for about midnight -- forty-five minutes from now. LEANNA: Steve, this is ridiculous! STEVE: Is it? Just keep your eyes on that clock, all of you. Nobody's gonna leave this cabin for the next forty-five minutes. We're gonna sweat it out together -- just watching that minute hand creep around to midnight. MFX: BRIEF BRIDGE, TO DENOTE PASSAGE OF TIME ... OUT BEHIND FOLLOWING-- STEVE: (INTENSE) Eleven-thirty. Anyone feel like talking yet? BREVANT: Really, Mitchell-- STEVE: "Really" what, Brevant? LEANNA: Haven't you carried this silly joke far enough, Steve?! MATHIQUE: There is only one way to prove he is mistaken in his suspicions, Leanna. That is to wait. SEURAT: Can't we get a little air into this cabin?! It is so infernally hot! STEVE: You know something, Seurat? It's gonna get a lot hotter. MFX: BRIEF BRIDGE, TO DENOTE PASSAGE OF TIME ... OUT BEHIND FOLLOWING-- STEVE: (MORE INTENSE) Seven minutes to midnight! We reach shallow water in about ten minutes! That means ten minutes before the ship gets blown up! Anybody's tongue loosening up?! Seurat?! SEURAT: I demand to be released from this pest hole! STEVE: Brevant? BREVANT: You must be insane! STEVE: Leanna? LEANNA: To think I once considered you-- STEVE: (DERISIVE) Yeah, yeah, save the romance. Mathique, how 'bout you? You feel like talking? MATHIQUE: When one knows nothing, one can say nothing, effendi. STEVE: Okay. Keep watching that minute hand, hm? MFX: BRIEF BRIDGE, TO DENOTE PASSAGE OF TIME ... ABRUPTLY OUT WITH-- SFX: SEURAT POUNDS FIST ON DOOR SEURAT: I can't stand this any longer! I've got to get out of here! You've got to let me go! STEVE: So you're the one, Seurat. SEURAT: (QUICKLY) No-no-no, you must believe me! I would be the last one in the world to blow those ships up! STEVE: Why? LEANNA: (HUSHED WARNING) Seurat! SEURAT: There's - there's gold hidden in those crates of teakwood! LEANNA: Seurat, you fool! He was only bluffing! Now you have told him! STEVE: You haven't told me enough! Keep talking! LEANNA: You fool! SEURAT: I - I have nothing more to say. SFX: STEVE'S FOOTSTEPS TO SEURAT STEVE: Look, Seurat! Three ships have been sunk on account of this! Now open up! Start talking! SEURAT: No, no, I-- SFX: PUNCH TO THE HEAD! STEVE: You better talk before I beat it outta you! Now spill it! SEURAT: All right, all right. During the war, an air raid-- A ship carrying gold bullion steamed up the river to escape -- but it was sunk near my plantation. STEVE: I think I can take it from there. You recovered the gold and this is the way you've been sneaking it out of Indochina, huh? Hidden in crates of teakwood? SEURAT: Yes. It was Leanna's idea-- LEANNA: Shut up, Seurat! SEURAT: But - someone must have found out about the gold and has been sinking the ships. STEVE: Yeah, in shallow water, so they can get the gold later. MATHIQUE: (QUICKLY) Effendi Mitchell, now that we know Seurat is guilty, you will please allow me to leave? I have a headache. BREVANT: Mitchell, it is almost midnight! STEVE: Yeah, nobody's leaving until I find out who's mined this ship. MATHIQUE: But, effendi Mitchell, I-- STEVE: You keep looking at your watch, Mathique. Why? LEANNA: Mathique? Mathique, what is the mat--? (REALIZES) Mathique! You didn't! You did! You put the explosives on this ship, too! You were going to jump overboard and leave me here! You fool! STEVE: Where'd you plant it, Mathique?! Where did you plant it?! MATHIQUE: Let me out of here! SFX: MATHIQUE TRIES TO RUN STEVE: You're not going anywhere! SFX: STEVE GRABS MATHIQUE MATHIQUE: (HYSTERICAL) The nitroglycerin will explode in two minutes! SEURAT: Mathique, you sank those ships! You and Leanna betrayed me! Very well. STEVE: Seurat, put that gun away! Seurat! LEANNA: Seurat! No! SFX: BIG GUNSHOT! MATHIQUE: (CRIES OUT IN PAIN) SFX: BODY SLUMPS TO FLOOR SEURAT: And for you, Leanna! LEANNA: No, Seurat! SFX: TWO BIG GUNSHOTS! LEANNA: (CRIES OUT IN PAIN) SFX: BODY SLUMPS TO FLOOR STEVE: Grab that gun, Brevant! BREVANT: Oui, oui, oui. STEVE: Mathique! Where's the nitroglycerin?! Where is it?! MATHIQUE: (SOBS -- THEN DIES) STEVE: Seurat, you jughead! You killed the only man who knew where it was hidden! We've got a minute and fifty seconds to find that nitro -- (DISGUSTED SARCASM) genius! Any ideas, Brevant? BREVANT: (QUICKLY) Mathique could not have put it below decks. Men are stationed all over the ship! It must be in his cabin! Come on! SFX: STEVE AND BREVANT'S HURRIED FOOTSTEPS TO DOOR ... RATTLE OF DOORKNOB STEVE: Locked. Get back, Brevant. BREVANT: Oui, oui. SFX: STEVE BREAKS DOWN DOOR ... WOOD SPLINTERS STEVE: Take that side of the room. I'll take this. BREVANT: All right. SFX: STEPS IN ... ROOM TORN APART ... SOFTLY TICKING CLOCK WHICH GETS LOUDER ON "WAIT A MINUTE, LISTEN!" STEVE: Gotta be in here. It's gotta be. BREVANT: There's nothing over here, Mitchell! STEVE: Wait a minute, listen! There's something ticking! BREVANT: (BEAT) Yes, yes! I hear it! STEVE: Under the bunk! Look! That black suitcase-- SFX: SUITCASE PULLED OUT FROM UNDER BUNK STEVE: Easy. BREVANT: (PANIC) Throw it overboard, throw it overboard, quick! STEVE: Yeah, I got it. Get outta the way, Brevant. I gotta get it over the rail. SFX: STEVE'S HURRIED FOOTSTEPS BREVANT: Hurry, Mitchell, hurry! Only a few seconds more, it will explode! Throw it as far as you can! STEVE: You don't have to tell me that. (WITH EFFORT, THROWS SUITCASE) Hit the deck. SFX: SPLASH! BIG EXPLOSION! WATER SPLASHES ON DECK CAPTAIN: (APPROACHES) Mitchell! Are you all right, Mitchell? STEVE: (BEAT, WEARY, RELIEVED) Yeah. 'Cept that I'm about five years older, Captain. Phew, that was close. CAPTAIN: Yeah, too close. Probably buckled a few of the ship's plates. STEVE: Yeah, well, you better put Seurat under arrest. You can turn him over to the authorities when the ship reaches port. CAPTAIN: Yeah. STEVE: Chances of getting the gold that's already been sunk are pretty slim, but there's probably a lot of it still at Seurat's plantation. The government can check that. BREVANT: Mitchell, allow me to say - I have never seen one so calm in the face of danger. All the time we were waiting in my cabin after I realized what your plan was, my heart was in my throat. STEVE: You think mine wasn't? It was choking me. (CHUCKLES) Look at me, Brevant. I look like a fairly intelligent guy, don't I? BREVANT: Why, yes, of course. STEVE: With a normal assortment of brains? BREVANT: Certainly! STEVE: And a reasonable amount of common sense? BREVANT: But of course! STEVE: Then, will you tell me something? BREVANT: What is it? STEVE: Why did I ever get myself mixed up in a job like this? MFX: THEME ... THEN OUT BEHIND-- ANNOUNCER: You have just heard the second in an exciting new adventure series, "Dangerous Assignment," starring Brian Donlevy as Steve Mitchell. "Dangerous Assignment" is written by Bob Ryf and directed by Bill Cairn, with music by Bruce Ashley. Be with us again next week at this same time when Brian Donlevy, starring as Steve Mitchell, will embark on another "Dangerous Assignment"! MFX: THEME ... THEN OUT ANNOUNCER: This program came to you from Hollywood. This is NBC, the National Broadcasting Company. MFX: NBC CHIMES