Superman The Silver Clipper Episode 6 Date: Feb 24 1940THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN NARR: Kellog's "Pep," the super-delicious cerial, presents the adventures of Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet -- FX: (SOUND OF BULLET) NARR: More powerful than a Locomotive -- FX: (TRAIN) NARR: Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound -- FX: (WIND) MAN: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman! (WIND) NARR: And now Superman! Events on the main line of the west coast railroad are rapidly reaching a climax! Speeding west out of Denver the crack streamliner -- The Silver Clipper -- roars up the slope of the Rockies headed for the San Joaquin Pass! Disaster -- Sudden and unseen, lies waiting or it in Schooner Canyon Lake! While Superman wings his way through space, searching desperately or the nearest mountain town; he at last finds it, drops down from the sky and enters the local chief of police in his character of Clark Kent, local news reporter. Listen: CHIEF: Well, you talk good, I'll say that for you Kent! KENT: Well, if you don't believe me, telephone my paper and ask for verification. Or call the division superintendent of the west coast railroad in Denver! CHIEF: The Silver Clipper is a west coast train, ain't it? KENT: Well -- it is now -- but it won't be for long! I'm telling you, if something isn't done in a hurry... CHIEF: OK, but how ya gonna prove it? S'pose I get up there to the San Joaquin and pull in a couple of guys' how am I gonna prove anything? KENT: I'll tend to that! You know the Circle Y Ranch? CHIEF: Sure! KENT: A couple of injured trainmen crawled in there a while ago -- they were on that missing locomotive and tender! CHIEF: You don't mean it! KENT: I certainly do mean it! If you get those two men I told you about, the one who calls himself the Wolf and his henchmen hero, the mystery is solved! CHIEF: Say, you begin to make sense young man! By gollies, I'll do it! What's your plan? KENT: Get a fast car and head for the crossing at San Joaquin. You know the old Schooner Canyon Junction? CHIEF: Reckon I can find it -- even in the dark! KENT: All right -- Get up there and ride. If we don't catch them red-handed, it's no good! That's what I'm waiting for. CHIEF: OK Kent -- say, this is your name, ain't it? Hey, where ya going? KENT: I want to call my paper and have them hold the presses for a big break -- I'll pay for the call (MONEY DROPPING IN PHONE) Operator, operator -- I want Perry White, Managing Editor of the Daily Plane. Yes, rush it please! I'll hold the line! SFX: (NOISE FROM NEWSPAPER COPY ROOM) WHITE: Hello -- White speaking. KENT: Mr. White, this is Clark Kent. (DISTANT -- INTO PHONE) WHITE: Kent? Good Lord, man, I thought you were dead! Where have you been all day? KENT: Tied up in a cellar, but I broke out. Listen Mr. White, how long before you go to press? WHITE: Now wait a minute -- I'm going to press right now! KENT: Well -- hold it, will you? WHITE: Stop the press? Gotta be a good one Kent! KENT: Oh, don't' worry. It will be! The big break on the western railroad story! WHITE: You kidding? KENT: You know the warnings on the Silver Clipper? It's coming off tonight! WHITE: Where are you now? KENT: I'm in a little police station in a small town on the main line. WHITE: What's going to happen? KENT: I don't know Mr. White -- but I know this much; it won't be long!! I've got to go now -- will you hold the press? WHITE: OK Kent! KENT: You won't regret it, Mr. White! I'll call you the minute I have something. WHITE: Hey Kent, wait. What's this about a mysterious flying figure? Something called a superman. KENT: (laugh) Oh! Forget it, Mr. White! WHITE: Somebody's pipe dream, huh? There's been a lot of talk! KENT: Well, forget it! I'm in a position to know. So long! WHITE: Good luck, Kent. I'll be waiting. (TO NEWSROOM) Hey, stop the presses! Replay copy! Top column on the western railroad! Ger a remote map! (lots of talk) SFX: WIND SUPERMAN: Superman, huh? I'd say I'm in a position go know!! Up, Up! Not much time -- with The Wolf waiting there at the canyon! If I don't get back in time to fix that switch, forty miles more -- faster ... faster! SFX: WIND KENO: Listen Boss -- let's get out of this tunnel I don't like it! WOLF: Not too long now to wait -- what's the time, Keno? KENO: Five minutes more if she's on time! WOLF: She was on time at Creeville! KENO: Come on, Boss, let's beat it! WOLF: A very sound idea, Keno! In five minutes or something less, this tunnel will be a most unhealthy place! KENO: What do you think will happen? WOLF: Something resembling the end of the world, Keno! Screaming brakes, steel, billows of steam, yeah!!! Decidedly, we should move! KENO: Where to? WOLF: Down to the tracks where we can observe the switch -- close to the scene of the action!! But not too close!! KENO: Listen, are you sure they can't stop in time? WOLF: Downhill at ninety MPH? Impossible, Keno! KENO: Wonder if she leaves the rails at the switch? What if she can't take the curve? WOLF: A chance -- but not likely. Come on man, get moving! Hey, someone's coming! HELPER: Hey boss! You better be getting outta there! She's whistling for the highway! WOLF: Quick, Keno! Minutes count now!!! SFX: WHITLE COMING; WIND SUPERMAN: There's the train! Traveling fast alright! If I can do anything -- it's got to be quick! Ahh, there's the junction. In a minutes, maybe less -- down, down! (WIND) Now, what have these devils done to the track? Ah, broken the seals and thrown the switch, eh? Well, it won't take long to fix that! And I'll just rip up a few of those old rails (SOUND OF RAILS BENDING) Ahhh, just to make sure! There, that ought to settle things. Well, well, look who's coming! KENO: Hey boss! Who's that guy down by the switch? Look! He's tearing up the track! WOLF: Well, what are you doing? Where's your gun? Shoot! Shoot! KENO: Don't worry boss, I'll get him! I never missed yet!! (GUNSHOT) Got him boss! WOLF: No you didn't!! There he is!! You missed him you fool! KENO: Never mind boss: I won't miss him this time! (TWO GUNSHOTS) WOLF: Keno, what's the matter with you? (Hollering) All right! Rush him then! SFX: THE TRAIN APPROACHES KENO: The train boss, here comes the train! WOLF: Get that man away from there, Keno! KENO: Boss, beat it! Beat it! It's him! I see him now! It's the man with the red cape!! WOLF: The train, the train! Run Keno, run! Make for the car! SUPERMAN: Made it just in time! Threw the switch in time! Go on, Silver Clipper! Highball for Salt Lake City and the west! (TRAIN OUT) Now then, after those lads in the car: Watch it you twok here I come! SFX: WIND, THEN A CAR STARTS TO RUN KENO: I tell you it was him boss! The guy in the red cape -- the...the Superman! WOLF: Shut up, Keno! Whoever it was, I'll settle with him. He threw the switch back and saved the train! KENO: Faster boss, faster! Get away from here! WOLF: Keep your head, Keno! There's something about this I don't understand! SFX: WIND KENO: Boss! Look out! He's right behind us! Now he's over our heads! What -- what is that thing? He's down the road ahead of us now: He's just standing there! (HOLLERING) Look out! Look out! We're gonna crash! SFX: CAR STOPS SUDDENLY SUPERMAN: Sorry to disturb you, gentlemen. Don't try to get away. WOLF: Who are you? Put me down! KENO: Let me go! Let me go!! SUPERMAN: One moment -- Just now while I hold you both with one hand, I've got something else to do! That car for instance -- you won't need it again where you are going, and we've got to make this accident look convincing!! SFX: TERRIBLE CAR CRASH KENO: The car! Look what he done to the car boss! He's wrecking it!! SUPERMAN: Now! No one will ever ride in that again! Ahh! Here comes a car -- must have heard the crash! Must be the police!! Well, so long gentlemen -- I'm leaving you now. And if I ever hear of another train wreck, just think about what you missed this time! SFX: WIND AS HE LEAVES SFX: A CAR STOPS. KENO AND WOLF GROAN CHIEF: Hey! Hey! This is where that crash was! There's a couple of guys laying in the road! Hey, grab them boys! SFX: GROANING, LOTS OF VOICES AND CONFUSION AS THE PAIR ARE APPREHENDED CHIEF: Why! I wouldn't wonder if those were the fellas the newspaperman was talking about! They tried to make a get away and smashed up! Why look where that car got to! POLICE HELPER: (OFF MIKE) Man, looks like a cyclone hit it! 2ND HELPER: Man, doesn't it! KENT: Or -- that Superman they keep talking about! CHIEF: Ah hah! KENT: Good evening, Chief! CHIEF: Say, there you are! It's the reporter! Well howdy, Mr. Kent! KENT: Well, I see you got them all right! CHIEF: Yes, yes! But there was no train wreck! I guess we scared them off! KENO: Keep him off! Keep him off! We done it! We done it! Put me in jail; put me anywhere, but don't let that guy touch me again. He just came flying through the air! CHIEF: Sayy -- he's nuts! Off his head! But that was a confession if I ever heard one! KENT: Yes! And if you'll drag the bottom of Schooner Canyon Lake, you'll find that missing engine and tender! CHIEF: Huh? KENT: And don't forget those two trainmen at the Circle Y Ranch; they will be your star witnesses! Well, congratulations, chief! You've caught the train wreckers, all right! CHIEF: Thanks to you Mr. Kent! Hey, hey, where ya going? KENT: I've got to get back to town -- my paper is waiting for the story! See ya later chief! SFX: LOTS OF TALKING. TRANSITION WHITE: Well, well Kent! It's fine to see you back! You've certainly made good in a big way! KENT: Thanks, Mr. White! WHITE: And to show you what I think of you, I'm going to start you right out on another assignment! KENT: Thank you, Mr. White! That's the best news I could possibly hear! WHITE: Well, wait till you hear it my boy!! There are one or two things I want to ask you about first. KENT: Yes sir? WHITE: I know it sounds foolish -- but all these rumors about a mysterious flying figure in a red cape and all that -- do you know anything about this -- er... ahh...Superman? KENT: Do I know anything about this Superman? Ha! Chief, What a silly question! WHITE: Oh, all right, all right!! I want to talk to you about your next assignment; just pull up a chair. SFX: PHONE RINGS INTERRUPTING WHITE: Oh confound it! I told them not to disturb me!(ANSWERING PHONE) City room -- White. MASTER: (EERIE VOICE FILTER -- OVER PHONE) You caught The Wolf my friend... for all the good it will do you! The Wolf had a master, and the master speaks to you now!!! WHITE: Wait! (EXCITED) Who is this? Kent, get over here! MASTER: My compliments, Mr. Kent!! On our first and last performance!! KENT: What do you mean? MASTER: You and your newspaper -- have interfered with my plans!! Very will my friends!! In exactly twenty-four hours, at this time tomorrow -- you and your newspaper will be blown into a thousand fragments!! This is the Y E L L O W M A S K!!! Goodbye...goodbye!!! KENT: Hey wait!! Operator, hold this line!! You, you, wait! Who was that man? Find him and trace him! Find him! SFX: LOTS OF NOISE AND TALKING IN ROOM. TRANSITION. ANNCR: Who was the eerie voice calling Perry White on the phone? Who or what is the Yellow Mask? And can Clark Kent, without revealing his identity as Superman, solve the mystery in the newspaper office? Terribly deadly disaster for The Daily Planet -- and Superman has twenty-four hours time -- tune in tomorrow! Same time, same station and follow the adventures of Superman!! ANNCR: Faster than a speeding bullet (GUNSHOT) More powerful than a locomotive (TRAIN) Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound (WIND) Look1 UP in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's superman! (WIND) ANNCR: Boys and girls -- be sure to follow the Adventures of Superman, brought to you every Monday through Friday same time, same station by the makers of that super delicious cereal, Kellogg's "Pep." Superman is a copy-righted feature appearing in Superman DC Publications (WIND) This is the Mutual Broadcasting System.