The Lone Ranger Episode #1 Date: Jan 30 1933 There is some controversy over the exact date of the first show. Some claim it to have been Thursday, February 2, 1933FANFARE: (HOOFS & SHOTS) ("William Tell" finale) ANNOUNCER: (CUE FROM JEWELL) A fiery horse, with a speed of light--a cloud of dust, a hearty laugh. RANGER: (LAUGHS) ANNOUNCER: The Lone Ranger! MUSIC: (Music background) ANNOUNCER: The Lone Ranger is perhaps the most attractive figure ever to come out of the West. Through his daring, his riding and his shooting, this mystery rider won the respect of the entire Golden Coast--the West of the old days, where every man carried his heart on his sleeve and only the fittest remained to make history. Many are the stories that are told by the lights of the Western campfire concerning this romantic figure. Some thought he was on the side of the outlaw, but many knew that he was a lone rider, dealing out justice to the law abiding citizenry. Though the Lone Ranger was known in seven states, he earned his greatest reputation in Texas. None knew where he came from and none knew where he went. MUSIC: (Cut Music) SOUND: (STORM EFFECT BACKGROUND FOR SPEECH) ANNOUNCER: Old Jeb Langworth lived alone in his small shack just outside the wide open community of Red Rock. One evening as he was watching the coffee boil and the bacon sizzle in the pan, and thinking of how snug his cabin was, with the storm raging outside, there came a knock on the door. SOUND: STORM BACKGROUND SOUND: RAP ON DOOR JEB: Now who in tunket c'n be out of a night sech as this bee... (RAISE VOICE) HULOO. . . ? COME ON IN STRANGER. SOUND: Door opens, storm increases and door closes with storm softened again. RANGER: Rather wet out doors tonight. (APPROACH) I saw the light of your cabin. JEB: An' right welcome yew be too, stranger, haul over to the fire here an' take the chill outen your hide. RANGER: Thanks. JEB: I'm jest a ficin' up some chow. I reckon' I better lay on a few more slabs o' bacon eh? RANGER: I could eat without any trouble. JEB: Jest make yerselt right toh hum. Whar'd yew come from? RANGER: No Place in particular. JEB: Prospectin'? RANGER: Nope. JEB: I 'low a man's business is his own affair, an' if yew don't callate tew talk, I ain't the one tew be askin' questions. Lay off yer boots an' gun an' make yourself right tu hum. Ole Jeb Langworth ain't never turned a man out yet. RANGER: Thanks. I'll keep my gun on though. Never know when I'll need it. JEB: That's yore own business too. SOUND: Extra burst of storm JEB: GEEEEMINIY. Ain't that storm a buster though? RANGER: Wild night alright. You are Jeb Langworth? JEB: Yep, that's me. Deppity Sheriff is my callin'. RANGER: So I see by your badge. Who is the Sheriff at Red Rock? JEB: Name is Obie Cuyler, an' he's as square a man as yEw'd find in a long ride. Me an' Cal Steward is his Deppitics, and 'tween the three of us, they hain't much goes on that ain't right an' in the law. RANGER: I see you've a poster, advertising a reward for the Lone Ranger. JEB: Yep. I reckon' they hain't a Sheriff in this part o' the country that haint a lookin' fer that Feller. RANGER: What has he done? JEB: Now yew don't say yew haint heard tell o' him? Why they say that he's the most dangerous feller that's ever been out in these parts. RANGER: Indeed? JEB: Speaks like a gentleman from one of them Eastern collidges, an' shoots so fast thet his six gun is back in his holster afore a man c'n see his draw. RANGER: But why is there such a big reward for him? What has he done? JEB: Danged if I knows what he's done. I know one thing though... RANGER: What's that? JEB: My brother ... he was ailin' an' ready fer tuh die, with some injuns brandin' him, and burnin' him one. RANGER: Your brother? JEB: Yep, an' this here Ranger, he comes in about that time an' gits my brother sot free, and he didn't have tuh fire a single shot for tuh do it. RANGER: How did he do it? JEB: Wal, he seems tuh hev spoke to the injuns, in their own crazy way of talkin', an' by golly in less'n a minute they was all bendin' down an' cow towin' tuh him like he was some sort of a god. Then they loosed the ropes that was tyin' my brother, an' they brought roots an' grease an' things, an' fixed him all up as good as new, an' let him go. RANGER: And still you would capture this Lone Ranger if you could find him eh? JEB: By gosh, I don't know whether I would 'er not. RANGER: And you DO know that he saved the life of your brother, and you DON'T know what he's done that's so terrible. JEB: Wal, they say that he killed a lot of fellers . . RANGER: Perhaps they needed killing. JEB: Mebbe so, mebbe so... say I reckon this Ranger must talk a lot like you do ... you talk might well eddicated yerself Stranger. RANGER: Have you ever seen bullets... like THESE? JEB: HUH? WHY ... BY GOSH ... THEY... THEY BE SILVER... AN' THEY SAY THIS RANGER... USES SILVER BULLETS ... BY GUM YORE THE LONE RANGER! RANGER: (LAUGH) JEB: AN' THAT LAUGH... THAT'S ANOTHER THING... YORE HIM AIN'T YAH? RANGER: You have my gun, Jeb. What are you going to do with it? JEB: Here, take it back. Ranger ... put er whar she belongs. I aim the man tuh turn in a feller like yo'. No Sir. Haul yer chair over now an' see how yuh like my cookin'. I allus said that sometime I'd git a chance tuh show how much I 'preciated what yo' done fer my brother. RANGER: Thanks. Where is he now? JEB: Oh he's dead these two years. RANGER: A bit late for you to be eating your supper isn't it? JFB: Yep, I was busy over tuh Red Rock till after eight. I reckon' it must be close on't nine o'clock haint it? RANGER: Yes, just about. JEB: You better spend the night here Ranger, yore right welcome. Whar's yer boss tied? RANGER: He isn't tied. That horse will go into the trees and hide until I whistle for him, I ... SOUND: RAP ON DOOR JEB: GOSH... WHO'SE THAT? RANGER: I'll step back of the curtain here. Don't tell anyone that I'm here. JEB: Al... Allright. RANGER: Call, and see who is there. JEB: (CALL) WHO IS IT? CAL: (DISTANT MUFFLED) It's me Jeb, Cat Steward. Lemme in! RANGER: I locked the door behind me, is that the Deputy? JEB: Yep, an' I reckon' yo' better hide Ranger, Cal aint die kind tuh see yuh git away if he c'n git his hands on yuh. I'll let him in an' see what he wants. RANGER: Go ahead.. JEB: (CALL) Jest a secunt Cal ... (FADE BACK) SOUND: DOOR OPENS Storm increases and door closes CAL: (APPROACHING) Golly what a night this is, Jeb. JEB: Aint it now? What brings yo' out of a night like this, Cal? CAL: The p'int is this, I come to borry somthin' from yuh, Jeb. JEB: Sure, anything yuh wants. CAL: It aint much that I wants, it's just a bucket of oil, the lamps in my shack is runnin' low an' I got some records tuh go over. I thought if yew c'd lemme take some oil till mornin. . . ? JEB: Sure... I'll git it right off. I keeps it back in the woodshed. I'll git yuh some right away Cal. (FADE BACK) CAL: That's mighty accommodatin' of yuh Jeb. You been out tonight? JEB: `Who... me? CAL: They's wet tracks... JEB: Oh ... Oh yeah, I jest got in a few minutes ago. Them's my tracks. CAL: I see. JEB: I ... I'll get that oil. (FADE OUT) SOUND: INTERLUDE... STRAIGHT (Storm fade, super dawn music) ANNOUNCER: And the storm wore itself out during the night as Jeb Langworth and the Lone Ranger passed a peaceful night's rest. What has the coming of the Lone Ranger meant? Morning--listen! RANGER: Much obliged for putting me up for the night, Jeb. I think I'll be on my way. I like to get an early start. JEB: O.K. Ranger. Glad tuh to be able tuh do a good turn by yew. RANGER: Maybe I'll be able to return the favor some day. JEB: Don't think nuthin' of it at all. RANGER: I was wondering, when Cal came last night, what you would say about the wet footprints on the floor. JEB: (CHUCKLES) I reckon' I got over that all right, eh? RANGER: Very well. Yes. JEB: Ya see, that feller Cal Steward, he don't miss nuthin' he don't. He's got eyes like a hawk. RANGER: Yes. JEB: (CHUCKLES) I reckon' it rankled some in his mind that I didn't tell him whar I went an' what I went out fer eh? RANGER: Perhaps. You don't seem to like him very well. JEB: Aw-w he's all right, but him an' me got diffen't idees, that's all. RANGER: I see. Well, I'll say goodbye to you. SOUND: Door opens JEB: G'bye Ranger. Whar's yer hoss? RANGER: I'll show you. (WHISTLE) JEB: He must be a swell hoss. RANGER: He is. SOUND: (Single) Horses hoofs approach JEB: Thar he comes right enough. RANGER: Yes. SOUND: Hoofs stop. Horse whinny. JEB: Wal... G'BYE... RANGER... RANGER: GOODBYE! SOUND: Hoofs start hard and fade out. JEB: Wal, (TO HIMSELF) I reckon' I better git my gun hitched up an' git in tuh town. Sheriff might be wantin' me... SOUND: Several horses approach. JEB: Gosh, I guess he does want me, thar he comes now. SHERIFF: (DISTANT) STAND RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE JEB LANGWORTH SOUND: Horses stop. JEB: Hullo Sheriff, Mirnin' Cal . . What's the call fer? SHERIFF: I guess you know what it is Jeb. Ain't you ashamed now? JEB: Who me? Why gosh Cal, what've I done? SHERIFF: I'm sorry Jeb, I'll have to search yore cabin. JEB: WHAT FER? SHERIFF: A gun. JEB: Who'se gun? SHERIFF: You're actin' innocent all right. but it's yore gun I want. JEB: Mine? CAL: Jeb, why'd yew do it? JEB: Say, I don't git this at all. SHERIFF: Don't yew move! You go on in Cal an' look around. CAL: Right- You keep him here whar he can't do no damage mor'n he's done already. (FADE BACK) JEB. Shucks Cal. I aint aimin' tuh do no damage. Sheriff, what have I done? SHERIFF: Jeb, it's murder. That's what it is. Dan Higgens was shot last night. JEB: DAN HIGGENS WAS. . . ? SHERIFF: Yep. We know that he had some gold hid away in his cabin an he was found dead this momin' an' there was the box that he kept his eold in but the gold was gone. JEB: BUT GOSH SHERIFF, YO' DON'T THINK THAT I... SHERIFF: Jeb, he was shot by a thirty eight. An' there aint many men here uses anything 'sides a forty five, 'cept- in' you. JEB: BUT I DIDN'T DO IT SHERIFF! SHERIFF: Cal, just rec'lected that he come here last night an' found that you was out of yer cabin just afore nine o'clock. JEB: An' when was Higgens shot? SHERIFF: The doc says it was between quarter of nine an' quarter past. JEB: BUT... I . . SHERIFF: WHAT'D YUH FIND CAL? CAL: I found lots. (APPROACHING) Look... here's his gun all right, an' they's one chamber empty. JEB: I NEVER SHOT IT1 SHERIFF: What's that yew got Cal? CAL: A bag. One of the kind of bags that gold is kept in, and it's got Higgens name on it. JEB: I never see that bag afore Sheriff. I swears I didn't. SHERIFF: Was you out of yer cabin last night, Jeb? JEB: I ... I ... Oh gosh ... I didn't kill him, I swear I didn't. I wasn't no where's near him last night. CAL: Maybe then, you c'n explain how it comes that we finds THIS KNIFE... just outside of Higgens door! SHERIFF: Is that your knife Jeb? JEB: That's my knife... sure it is ... but I ... CAL: I reckon' it's a pretty bad case agin' yuh, Jeb. JEB: It's a frame up, that's what it is, Sheriff ... a frame up ... SHERIFF: If you c'n prove that you wasn't out of yer cabin Jeb, but yuh can't do it, yuh see. CAL: I c'n prove you WAS out of yer cabin. Come on. Shall I put the cuffs on him Sheriff? JEB: I don't need no cuffs. I'll go quiet, I'm an innocent man. MUSIC: INTERLUDE... SUSPENSE ANNOUNCER: So they took old Jeb Langworth to jail for the murder of his friend Higgens. Did the mysterious visit of the Lone Ranger have anything to do with the fate of Jeb? Let us look in at the office of the Sheriff ... CAL: Puny danged cold blooded shootin' of Jeb, the way he plugged old Higgens, Sheriff. SHERIFF: I don' know what tew think of it, Cal. It taint like Jeb at all. He was allus the most peace lovin' fel- ler I knowed, why I didn't ever know Jeb tuh use vi'lence of any sort. CAL: Yuh caint never tell about these silent fellers like him. Gosh, ole Higgens was well liked too. SHERIFF: I knows it. CAL: I'm most afeared tuh let the news get told around about Jeb. SHERIFF: Why? CAL: I reckon' the boys here in Red Rock won't wait fer a trial. -- SHERIFF: Think they'll lynch him? CAL: Wouldn't be surprised. SHERIFF: Wal, I aint a goin' tuh stand fer no lynchin'. This here is a civilized community an' I'm fer law an' or- der. The law says that a man's entitled tuh be tried afore a jury, an' that's what Jeb's goin' tuh be, CAL: I'm for it Sheriff, but yuh cain't stop the boys, when they gits their minds made up. SHERIFF: They don't know thet he's been arrested yet do they? CAL: Nope, I done my best tuh keep it quiet about who we picked up fer the murder of Higgens. SHERIFF: Yuh done yer best yuh say? CAL: Yep. SHERIFF: Did anyone get tuh know about it? CAL: Wal, I ain't jest sure. Sheriff. SHERIFF: WHAT D'YA mean you ain't sure? CAL: I may've dropped a remark that give it away ... I reckon maybe we better hustle the trial along. Just tuh be on the safe side. SHERIFF: Seems tuh me yore pow'ful anxious tuh see Jeb get hanged fer the killin', Cal. CAL: I'm jest anxious fer tuh see him tried an' found guilty, afore he get's lynched 'thout any trial, that's all Sheriff. SHERIFF: He's goin' tuh be tried in the due course o' time. Not afore, an' if they's anything like a lynchin'... I'll shoot the man that starts it. Thems my sentiments an' yo' c'n pass 'cm along to the men in town here. CAL: Jest as you say, Sheriff. SHERIFF: I aims to carry on a little more investigatin' on my own hook, afore I makes up my mind tew anything. CAL: Sho' you don't think Jeb didn't do it? SHERIFF: I'm reservin' of my opinion. CAL: Wal, that's yer priverlage, I reckon. SOUND: DISTANT GUN SHOTS SHERIFF: What's that? CAL: Shootin'... out in front of this here office. RANGER: (DISTANT LAUGH) SHERIFF: What's that laugh... that sounds like ... CAL: The Lone Ranger... C'mon Sheriff ... He's out front. . SOUND: Running feet. SHERIFF: (FADE BACK) D'ya see him anyplace? CAL: Cain't see nuthin' out here... SHERIFF: Whar'd he go ... CAL: I ... I reckon' he's got away somewheres... RANGER: I'm right here gentlemen. CAL: HUH? SHERIFF: How'd yew git in ... WHAT... Who are you? RANGER: I came right in the side window while you were looking out the front door. No ... don't go for a gun! SHERIFF: I aint aimin' tuh commit suicide! CAL: Are... are you... the Lone Ranger? RANGER: (LAUGHS) SHERIFF: WHA... What arc you doing here? RANGER: I just dropped in to tell you that Jeb Langworth did NOT kill old Higgens. CAL: I reckon you're the one eh? RANGER: Wrong again. CAL: Well, you're under arrest anyway, for the ... the murders on that there poster. Don't try any funny tricks. RANGER: (LAUGHS) Under arrest? ME? SHERIFF: I reckon' he's right, Mr. Ranger, we'll have tuh put you under arrest. RANGER: That suits me all right. Are you going to let Jeb out of jail to make room for me? SHERIFF: He stays there, I reckon the jail is large enough for both of you. RANGER: I just. came here. Sheriff ... to tell you to let Jeb Langworth go. He's innocent. CAL: HUMPH! SHERIFF: You don't think I'll do it do yuh? RANGER: No, but I think your deputy, Cal Steward will release him, to prevent me from telling WHO the REAL murderer of Higgens is. CAL: HUH .. . WHY YOU ... YOU ... RANGER: Don't let me tempt you into reach- ing for your gun, Cal, I think you've heard of the way I draw a gun and fire. That's all I have to say. Sheriff. SOUND: Heavy sound of horse thumping on wood floor. RANGER: You see, my horse will join me, no matter where I am. SHERIFF: Git that hoss outta my office... RANGER: I intend to ... Turn around... both of you. SHERIFF: BUT... RANGER: SILVER! CAL: Hye!--Git that hoss... SHERIFF: OUCH... SOUND: Thumping SHERIFF: That hoss is walkin' on me ... RANGER: Then turn your face to the wall as I said. I don't choose to draw my gun unless I have to. CAL: OUCH ... Git away yuh danged nag yuh... RANGER: There, that will do, Silver. SOUND: Whinny RANGER: A good horse is a man's best friend. He won't frame him the way a human friend will, Cal. You'd ought to have some of the qualities of a horse. CAL: Sheriff... look around an' see what he's doin'... SHERIFF: Look around yerselt ... I ain't aimin' tuh git tromped down. RANGER: Remember what I have said Sheriff ... release Jeb Langworth because his innocence can be proved and the guilty party FOUND if you force me to do it. That's all... Hi Yi Silver! SOUND: HEAVY HOOF BEATS ON FLOOR FOR A FEW STEPS AND THEN ON TURF AND FADE OUT RANGER: (LAUGHING FADE OUT) CAL: Is ... is that varmint gone, Sheriff? SHERIFF: I ... I reckon so ... dang him... whyn't yuh shoot him? CAL: Humph! I don't draw no gun again' that feller, less his back is to me. Why didn't you shoot him? SHERIFF: Here... he's left one of them silver bullets of his'n on my desk, an' a note ... he ... (PAUSE) CAL: What's it say? SHERIFF: (VERY STERN) Nuthin'. Reckon' it'll make a good hunk of paper tuh light my-pipe with though. CAL: What's that note say, Sheriff? SHERIFF: Nothing! MUSIC: INTERLUDE... TENSION SOUND: (Super Crowd noise) ANNOUNCER: The Lone Ranger has given his warning. What was contained in the note he left with the Sheriff? Let's follow Cal Steward. We enter the Bar-room as Cal says... CAL: (LAUGH) Well gents, I guess four queens is a good enough hand to win the pot of any poker game aint it? JERIMY: By Tunket, Cal, I never see sech luck with cards as yew hev. CAL: (LAUGH) Yep, the luck's with me tonight all right, Jerimy. How about you Tim? Want tuh play any more? TIM: Me? I'm cleaned Cal, I'd give a month's pay fer a run o' luck like yew hed tuh-night. JOE: An' me tew. I'm washed up. CAL: (LAUGH) Wal, boys, I reckon' I'll stroll over an' see how the prisoner is gettin' on. JERIMY: Yuh shore thet Jeb--he done the killin, Cal? CAL: Yuh can't say he didn't in face of the evidence, Jerimy. TIM: I hates tew think thet Jeb'd kill a fren' like Higgens. CAL: Higgens was a good feller, surprises me that Jeb aint been lynched fore this. JOE: Jeb's a good feller tew, an' I reckon that one that starts any talk er bout lynchin'll hev tuh face ME! JERIMY: An me. TIM: An' me too, by Tunket. Wal, I got tew be gittin on. JERIMY: Wait Tim, I'll go 'long with yew. CAL: G'nighte boys... ALL: (FADE OUT... "Goodnight Cal" --AD LIBS CARRY THROUGH THE SCENE UNTIL DOOR CLOSE) RANGER: Just a minute. Steward! CAL: Huh... how... how'd YOU get in here? RANGER: I've been standing back watching your little poker game, that's all. CAL: What d'yew want here? Don't yuh know that the Sheriff'11 shoot yuh on sight? RANGER: Yes, but I've got to be seen, before I SEE, and my eyes are rather good. I think I'll play some poker with you. CAL: HUH? Play poker ... here? RANGER: No not here. We'll go in the little room over on the side. It's more private. CAL: I ... I had enough poker. RANGER: I think you'll play a few hands with me. CAL: How much money yew got? RANGER: I don't know. CAL: I... I aint a goin' tuh play! RANGER: Come... Hurry now. This way. You may bring your own cards if you want to ... I'll make the stakes high enough to interest you. CAL: BUT... RANGER: Right this way,--I find that Jeb Langworth is still in jail. CAL: I ain't got nuthin tuh do with that. YOU'LL have tuh see the Sheriff. RANGER: I'd much prefer to see ... YOU. Here we are. Right in there, it's nice and private. SOUND: Door closes. Stop room noises. RANGER: There we are. Two chairs and one table, two men and a pack of cards. Strange things can be done with a pack of cards, Cal. CAL: Wha... what d'yew mean? RANGER: Sit down there, you can deal, shuffle and cut all by yourself. CAL: Say, look here. Ranger, let me go, an' I won't say nuthin' about you bein' here in Red Rock. RANGER: Oh, I don't mind, you can say all you want to say. After you get out of this room. Deal the cards. CAL: All right, if yuh want tuh get skinned. RANGER: You may even name the stakes. CAL: They tells me that yuh shoots silver bullets, is that right? RANGER: That's right. Yes. Would you like to see one? CAL: Yuh said tuh name the stakes... RANGER: Right. CAL: All right... I'll bet two hundred dollars. RANGER: BAH! I can't waste my time on stakes like that! CAL: FIVE HUNDRED THEN. RANGER: With it your own cut, shuffle and deal, and the cards marked the way you want them? I'm surprised. I thought you'd be willing to risk more than that. CAL: All right... You name 'em! I'll meet 'em. RANGER: LIFE! CAL: Wha... what d'ya mean? RANGER: Your life... against mine. CAL: What's that mean? RANGER: You have two guns ... so have I. I'll bet mine against yours. CAL: An' let me deal? RANGER: Even knowing that the cards are marked, I'll let you deal Cal Steward. CAL: It's a go then. Lay yer guns on the table. RANGER: There they are. SOUND: Thumps CAL: (LAUGH) My, but they're nice guns . . RANGER: Now how about yours? CAL: Here's mine... you're lookin' right down 'cm Ranger... Stick up yer hands! RANGER: I didn't think you'd be this much of a cheat. CAL: Reach the ceilin' Mr. Lone Ranger! I reckon this is the time that yer fast draw won't help yuh none! (LAUGH) This is the time where brains is beatin' speed! Now I've got yew right where yew should be. RANGER: Well. what are you going to do about it? CAL: I'm a goin' to KILL yuh! That's what. RANGER: Not even going to give me a trial eh? CAL: The reward is fer yuh, DEAD OR ALIVE ... an' I'm takin' no chances on yuh gittin' away, see? RANGER: Yes, I see. But just a minute, Steward... don't you know that you don't dare to kill me? Not yet, you don't. CAL: An' why don't I? RANGER: Because, I've written down all about how you shot Higgens, and I've told how you came to Jeb's place the night of the murder, and sent him out for kerosene... CAL: HUH? RANGER: And how you stole his knife and his gun while he was out of the room. And I've told how you shot Higgens with Jeb's gun, and left his knife there to be found, and how you came the next day to arrest Jeb, and planted his gun in his shack, as well as the bag that held the gold! CAL: How d'yew know all this? RANGER: I know a lot of things you see. I've written that all down, just so you won't dare to shoot me! CAL: WHERE IS IT? RANGER: Well, the funny thing is that it is right in the safe in the Sheriff's office, and I guess you can't get it there. CAL: (LAUGH) THAT IS GOOD! RANGER: It's true isn't it? CAL: Yes, it's true ... an' it's true that I c'n open the Sheriff's safe an' get out that writin' ... so yuh see you ain't so smart as yuh thought. Now I'm a goin' tuh shoot yuhl RANGER: Just as a matter of curiosity, before you shoot me, Cal, suppose you tell me just where you put the money you stole. That's fair enough isn't it? CAL: I don't mind tellin' yah... RANGER: I'd hate to die without knowing that. CAL: I got it hid under the floor of my cabin... that's where... An' Jeb is goin' to pay fer the crime. RANGER: Don't you think you're going to be troubled by your conscience? CAL: No, and what's more, none of the folks around here are going to be troubled by you any longer. I'M A GOIN' tuh kill you right now, Mr. Lone Ranger... SHERIFF: (DISTANT) oh no yuh ain't Cal. Put up yer hands! CAL: SHERIFF! RANGER: Thanks, Sheriff! CAL: Wait... The Lone Ranger--I got him here! SHERIFF: Put your guns down, Cal--I heard all that was said, and I guess it's you that'll be tried for the murder of Higgens--not Jeb! RANGER: You see, Cal, it takes BRAINS sometimes to out guess guns! I was so sure that you'd take advantage of me, when I was unarmed and so sure of your boasting nature. that I left a little note for the Sheriff to be by that window tonight if he wanted to hear the confession of the REAL MURDERER! SHERIFF: You stand where you are too, Ranger... This is a great evening for the town of Red Rock. Go on in the winder boys and put the ropes on them two. RANGER: Sheriff, you'll of course let Jeb Langworth go free now won't you? SHERIFF: We ain't got nuthin' on Jeb now. RANGER: You see, he did me a favor, and I always aim to return favors. If you're sure that he'll be free now... SHERIFF: What'll you do? RANGER: I think... I'll be leaving. CAL: SHERIFF... HE'S GRABBED HIS GUNS... SOUND: Door Open and slam. (AD LIB SHOTS... RUNNING FEET... SHOUTS OF MEN. ETC.) RANGER: (WHISTLE) SILVER... SILVER... HERE WE ARE OLD BOY! SOUND: HORSES HOOFS APPROACH SHERIFF: (SHOUTING) That's the Lone Ranger... Stop him boys--stop him. RANGER: Come along Silver... that's the boy. Hi ... Yi ... (HEARTY LAUGH) SOUND: HOOFS POUNDING HARDER AND FADE OUT. (Hoofs up full into music) MUSIC: (THEME) CLOSING ANNOUNCEMENT: Might as well try and catch the wind, as this phantom rider of the plains. The Lone Ranger has gone off into the night, not to be seen again, until he finds another occasion to take into his own hands the law of the West. This is one of a series of stories of the Lone Ranger, and his horse, Silver. These stories are presented by the Jewell Players, directed by James Jewell and come to you over YOUR station, WXYZ with studios in the Maccabees Building, Detroit.